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So this is the end yall

You stared at Touya for second, that second turning into two seconds which turned into three...

"Yes!" You jumped on top of him. You heard him let out a laugh.

"Are you sure?" There was he smile planted on his lips.

You blinked at Touya. "Of course I'm sure!" You leaned in to kiss his smiling face.

Touya kissed back, wrapping a arm around your back as you were on top of him. You let out of the kiss, only to stare deep into his eyes. He really just asked me to marry him... You thought happily.

Touya smooched your forehead. You blushed at his actions. You got off of him, it was getting kind of uncomfortable. Your eyes met with the engagement ring, it was the same one you had eyed at the jewelry store. He must've been planning this for a while. You blushed harder at the thought that he really had been thinking and planning this for some time now.

Which made you ask: "How long were you planning on asking me?"

Touya shrugged. "I'm not sure... Who cares?" His lips met with yours, kissing them.

Once the kiss ended you looked into his eyes again. You did thought they were just so beautiful. Touya did the same. Even he was blushing a little. He had never thought that this would happen anytime in his life, but it's like they say, life if full of surprises. This this indeed the best surprise he could ever ask for.

"Hey, I brought food too..." Touya's eyes shifted to the corner to the other side of the hill.

You smirked at him, the man who you were engaged to. You met where his gaze went. There was (f/f) there. You and Touya had a happy time eating together and getting lost in each other's eyes. You began to feed Touya. Putting (f/f) next to his mouth and Touya would open and swallow it. Touya did the same. Although he got more food in you clothes than inside of your mouth.

Touya chuckled. He got a napkin to wipe you down with. After doing that, he leaned in, hinting that he wanted, no, needed another one of your kisses. He did end up getting one from you. You heard him chuckle to himself again. Touya took a breath in before deciding to play with your (h/c) hair. You found it very smoothing. You relaxed to his touch.

"Let me put the ring on you."

Touya held onto the ring as you stretched out your fingers. He slipped on the ring onto your ring finger. Once it was on, you admired it on your hand.

"It looks good on you, (Y/n)." He complimented you.

You rolled your eyes, hoping he wouldn't notice your redded face. Touya said nothing. Lifting a hand with his index finger pointed out he tapped your nose. You brushed his hand away, afraid that he would only cause more redness to raise to your cheeks, which they did.

"It seriously does look good on you though." He added in a more serious tone.

You turned away from him, attempting to try and hide your flustered face. "Tch. S...sure..." You were smiling as you said that, but Touya couldn't know that since your face was turned on the other side.

You did up your (h/c) in a bun. A messy bun. A bun that Touya found cute. The both of you were just discussing your wedding plans together.

"What should be the main theme colors?" You asked him while laying upside down on the bed of Aki's guest room.

"Blue. Black. Blue and black." He replied as he played with his thumbs.

You laughed at his answer. "Why don't we choose different colours? You know, something other than your favorite ones."

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