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I forgot how many chapters there are in this story

 You went the other way from Toga, trying desirably to find the exit from this horrible place. You forgot about how dark it was when you got to the first floor, or what you thought was the first floor anyway. Your legs were feeling stiff and numb, and your face seemed and looked amazingly tiered, and you were capable of be able to feel it to. "Ugh." You sighed. "Where in the world is the way out of this place?" You questioned, hoping someone whould end up hearing you and help you out. You pleasingly waited for anyone to answer, and someone did. "Hey, let me show you." Dabi said in a sweet, raspy voice. But you being you, you were kind of upset with Dabi. Like, how couldn't you be? Dabi almost killed you with a gun for crying out loud! A gun! Well, you didn't really think he whould ever do something like that, tetchily you were partners in crime since you were involved with the League of villains now. You still couldn't get over the fact that he might of killed you and got away with it tho. Dabi walked closer to you with a small grin on his face. You barely were able to see Dabi through all the darkness, but you herd a click and figured that he had opened the door. So you walked closer to the sound, then dumped into Dabi on the way to the door. "Hehe, sorry." You may be upset with him, but you never wanted to be consoled rude, so of course you apologized. "It's ok." Dabi replied. You started towards the exit. Once you got out of the building you noticed Dabi was following you. You turned to look at him, still mad. "I need to talk with you." Dabi had begun. "Since your apart of the league now, what's your villain name?" You just stood there dazed and confused. This is the shit he wanted to talk about? Although, you hadn't gotten a new villain name yet, not that you ever actually had one in the first place. You breathed a heavy sigh, you had no idea's on what to say next. Maybe you could just avoid the question, that is if you could. All you wanted in the first place was to go grocery shopping. Before you were able to speak, Dabi spoke. "I mean you could just use your real name. What were you thinking then?" Dabi asked. True, you could use your authentic name, but you did like being original. "I haven't really thought of one yet." Was what you said. There wasn't really a way out of this conversation was there? "I could help you." As he said help your body shuddered. You just wanted to get out of this awful place. You peered at his face for some time, practically daydreaming and not paying attention at all. As you got lost in your thoughts you came across one you wish you could forget already, the dream. You hadn't had time to think about the dream about Dabi. To you at the time, was a nightmare. You quickly decided now was not the best time to think about dreams, when the person you had the dream about was right infont of you. You sweated in embarrassment, hoping he didn't say anything important while you were inside la la land. "Hey, are you ok (Y/N)?" Dabi asked. You glanced at him with your beautiful glittering eyes. "Yeah... I'm fine." You said grumpily. Dabi looked at you, he almost seemed confused. "So you don't need any help picking out your villain name?" Dabi blinded as he talked. Oh, right we're still on that. You began to think. "Uhhh, n-no I'm fine, my villain name is..." You counteracted hard. You couldn't believe you couldn't think of any, surely it wasn't this hard to think of a villain name was it? Inpatient you became as time was ticking. Then Dabi broke the silence. "You don't have one do you?" Dabi became curious. You shook your head no, mad and embarrassed at the same time. "Want me to help you?" Dabi offered. You so badly wanted to say no, but you also enjoyed Dabi's company as much as you despised it. "Yes, I whould like that." You spoke too friendly in your opinion. "Ok. So your quirk so like 1st point of view right? We should go off of that." You didn't know why but Dabi made you feel right at home. Of course your still mad a little, but now you start to think again he's not such a bad guy. You let a small smile cross your face so that he could see that you appreciated his presents. "Yeah, maybe something like All seer or something." You almost laugh. Dabi grins too. "All seer? Nah, how about... Watch eye?" Dabi comments. Both you and Dabi laughed. "Eye guardian? High sight?" You wish you could make up funny villains names all day long with Dabi, but you both have work and lives to live and things to, well do. So you have unfortunately have to break up the conversion. "Hey, um I need to get going." You sadly say. He looks disappointed that you said that. "Why? We haven't gotten your villain name yet." Dabi frowns. You look around, trying very hard to not meet his blue sparkling eyes. "Ah, sorry but I have to go..." You started walked off, but something grabs a hold of your wrist, which stings. "Ouch!" You shout, spinning around to see what pulled you back. You turn to see Dabi again. What dose he want? I told him I wouldn't be able to stay. You think. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted to walk you home." The dark haired man says. You give him a friendly nod, you walk together all the way back to your house. You were kinda worried about him knowing where you lived tho. Your wrist feels better, you probably just need to shower to make it feel stop hurting so much. "Hey." You turn to find out what Dabi wants. "I thought of a new name on we way here. Viewer, I think your villain name should be Viewer." You think about it for a second, amazed that he actually was able to think of one. "Yes, I like that name. For now on, I'll be known as Viewer!" You yelled as you get into a heroic pose. Dabi laughs. But that laugh was short lived by the police sirens coming turns you. Your eyes widened as the police were coming after you and Dabi.

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