Mr. Policeman

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Who's yall's best boi? I know my man's Suna! 🤫

You stood in shock at the man in the black suit. H-how the hell did he get in here? You thought. By his badge and clothes you could easily put together that he was a police man.

"I uh-" You began to talk, but your brain was so nervous and shocked that it had completely forgot how to function properly.

"I would like you to explain yourself, (Y/N)." The police officer who was sitting in one of your chairs said.

What did Toga tell him? Could you even begin to tell him your situation with Toga..? If you were to talk about her and your problems with her the police would have to know about the league of villains. So you wanted to keep Toga and the league of villains out of the conversation as much as possible.

"She doesn't have to explain shit." Dabi told the police officer.

But to keep the league of villains out of the convention was going to he hard- no not hard, but impossible with Dabi, a well known villain in the league of villains a secret. You approved that Dabi was standing up for you, Dabi was in the league of villains tho, he shouldn't even he here. Hopefully whatever Toga said about you or was nothing to bad.

The police man looked curious at Dabi. "Do I know you?" He asked. "I swear I think I know you."

Dabi was displeased by his state meant. "No, you don't know me. My name is Dab- Dave."

It was a good thing Dabi hadn't spoke of his real name. That would have got him caught for sure then.

The police man still looked unsure by his testimony, he probably thought it was some sort of lie. It was, and it wasn't a lie all at the same time. Mr. Police man guy had seen him on TV before, but did not really know Dabi personally.

"Is he your boyfriend?" The man with a curious facial expression asked.

Your face redden. "What..?" You didn't know what to think, you just had a little smile and a nervous laugh. "N-no, we friends." You said trying to convince him. You weren't just trying to convince him tho, you were also trying to convince yourself that you and Dabi were just friends.

Mr. Police man who didn't care to give his name seem to be debating about what you said was true or not. You glanced at Dabi. He was giving you a stare, a stare that you would never forget, there was something in his eyes that spoke to you. They were saying: "Your gonna regret that!" You were slightly scared of those words. You forced your eyes to move away from his, and find something more peaceful to look at.

"Friend? Well I'm going to have to see some ID. Both of you." Mr. Police man demanded from you.

Ah, crap. We're dead. You kindly thought to yourself.

Long story short, you aren't the best at keeping ID's. There was that one time when you went into that studio- nah let's not get into that. Needless to say you didn't have one. You hardly even wanted to imagine that Dabi had one.

"I left my at home." Dabi told the man.

Your lie was going to be much worse. "I, um... I don't have one." Now your heart was pounding. Your going to jail.

"Wha..? Well then we'll have to get you one. For now though we'll just question you at the police apartment." Mr. Police guy said to you both.

So they aren't going to arrest me right now? You wondered. Or Dabi? You peaked around to see the exit of your kitchen. Then had your glaze back at the police officer. "Come with me." Dabi and you followed him outside where you walked across the parking lot to the man's car.

"How all are we going to keep this up?" You whispered to Dabi.

"We just have to stay with him until we're not suspects anymore." He whispered back to you.

You nodded your head, not looking at him. You weren't trying to make you and Dabi's taking obvious. The police guy bent his head on over to the car, which meant something on the lines of "Get into the car." Both of you got in the back sit. The seats were fairly comfortable. You sighed. Mr. Police man drove you to the police apartment. You let your head fall onto the back of your sit, while making no eye contact with Dabi. You realized how tired you were right now and closed your eyes. Not completely asleep thought.

"You two can get out now. Remember we're just investigating right now. Especially you, (Y/N) (L/N)." He sprouted up from the car, same as you.

You shifted your view off to Dabi at the other side of the car. He almost seemed peaceful, like he was enjoying every moment of this. You were not. Not at all. This was horrible! What happens when or if the police find out who Dabi really is? Or what if they find out that your apart of the league of villains? And he was like this. It was attractive... Wait, no not attractive. Dabi was just nice in this way. You liked to see him so happy. You scrambled to the doors of the police station, followed by Mr. Police man and Dabi. Since Mr. Police man wasn't nice enough to give his name, but however he was nice enough to open the door for you. You throw a little smile onto your face and carried on. You sat down in a black leather chair. Dabi came and sat next to you in the other one.

The police man sat in a different chair facing you two. He stared at you for a moment then spoke. "So (Y/N), and Dave, I need to ask you some questions about one or two nights ago you were captured by a villain. Then ran off after Deku. Correct?"

You sat there with shock, but was trying not to express it. "Yeah... Correct." You said without knowing if it was the right answer or not.

"Why did you run away? Did you just want to stay next to Deku that badly?"

"Uh... Well, I thought, maybe I could help." Is it getting hotter in here, or is it just me?

"Do you know why you were tooken by the villains? Maybe even a hit or clue?"

"Ummm, n-no. They just... Took me?" Those lies weren't good enough to even fool a baby. Let alone a cop.

"She forgot." Dabi spoke up.

The let man turned to him, and so did you. "She forgot mostly everything that happend that night. She hasn't been herself lately either. I was going to take her to the hospital but.." This was the part were the police officer came and they couldn't leave. Of course this wasn't at all true, but gosh darn better then nothing.

The suspension let up from you at last. Maybe you could get out of this.

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