Burning fire

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Bakugou point of view:

I watched my phone screen as I walked down the sidewalk, hearing all the good news. Not all good though, for starters I wasn't there which is going to change here pretty damn soon, and that damn fire starter, no not Icy hot but Dabi. Man, I tell you... I'll kill him! He doesn't deserve to live anymore. Dabi got away along with some other villains. But that damn nerd is back- it's not that I'm happy or anything. I didn't even like him.

"I'm glad that he's safe." I say under my breath.

Deku was too young to die, that's all. The news tells me everything I need to know, so I don't have to go back, but I do. I still need my hero training. Hell, I'd say I can be a hero right now. After all I'm going to end Dabi. I'm done with his crap. Although, I'm feeling hungry and tiered. I know this doesn't sound safe but I'll kick any ass, no matter who or what you are, I'm gonna go out and find some place to sleep. I have no cash on me, nor do I want to go to my mother's house.

I shiver at the thought of even going there. Ugh, I hate that old hang! I'm not trying to make a fuss or anything so I'm hoping to not run into a fan girl while choosing a house to use so I can take a nap in a bed. I not going to be to picky about house shopping since I do have to kick Dabi's ass for taking Deku.

I see a normal seeming house coming up on my left. I figure I'll start there, I'm expecting that the owner won't let me stay. I walk up to the door, knock multiple times only for no answer. I'm guessing no one's home. I'll going to leave and find a different one to take advantage of. Wait, no one's home, that means I have the whole place to myself. Me, Katsuki Bakugou am going to break into this house. I'm a damn hero, I can do whatever the hell I want! Not just any hero, I'm Bakugou. I turn the handle to find out that the door isn't locked. The owner must he returning soon or likes being robbed I don't know which. I'm gonna house watch for them because I'm so nice and I would totally do it for anybody and by watch I mean,

"I'm taking a nap in a stranger's bed." I say out loud to myself.

Sniffing the air in the house I recognize some of the smell. I must know the fucking owner... I think before running off to the nearest bedroom I can see. The bedroom I step into smells of honey, and other sweet stuff. I don't like it at all, this makes me assume the owner is old. Old Grad ma's great. I'm shocked I haven't seen I cat yet.

I lay in the bed, and plug in my also dead phone into a charger I found plugged in the wall of the bedroom. Well, I was going to plug it in. A phone was already charging there.

"The Grandma is dumb enough to leave the door unlocked and not bring her phone? What a dumb ass!" I shout.

I know I should get some sleep and head out of here as quickly as possible, maybe before Grandma gets back. The phone was just to tempting. I pick it up and press the side button to open the phone up. The frist thing that caught my eyes was the fact that the phone background was of half and half. I squint my eyes, Half and half was still there on the screen with his emotionless dumb face. Grandma is a dumbass along with a Icy hot fan girl, gross. Bet her grand kids told her about him. I look through the phone, ignoring his face to pay attention to other details about this device. I take note of the unheard voice mails, calls, and text messages. I glance at the missed calls frist, the name shocked me more then Icy hot's being on here. Shigaraki. Grandma has Shigaraki's phone number? He's a villain! I gritted my teeth in anger. I squeeze the phone in my palm. I take a look at the voice mails.

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