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Man I love getting to copy and paste all these chapters from my other site :))

"So... so I got in?" You muttered. "Yeah, couldn't you hear? He said he was going to put you through tests." Toga smiled. "I'm not sure about you, but I don't like tests." You were really starting to get creeped out by her, you wished Toga whould just get up and leave the room. You hated her more every second. You sighed. Toga was probably never going to leave, not at least as far as you could see. You were going to have to get used to her if you wanted to become a villain. Although, Toga and you did have one thing in common, you both hated tests. "So what are these tests?" You ask, the curiosity was killing you. "Just to prove your loyal and not a spy." Kurogiri announced. Sounds easy enough. You said silently. But Kurogiri only answered part of your question. What were those tests? But you didn't dare to ask anymore questions, you didn't want to make Shigaraki angry did you? You already got what you wanted anyway, to be with the villains. And now you finally are. Thanks to Dabi. That thought striked you hard. Doesn't that mean I owe Dabi something back in return? Dabi didn't seem to notice that you were stairing at him with your jaw wide open. Dabi didn't look as if he whould actually ask for a favour from anybody. In fact, it appeared to you that Dabi as never asked for help in life. Perhaps he wasn't going to ask anything from you. As soon as you broke out of thought, you caught Dabi stairing at you, or he caught you stairing at him. You closed your jaw, figuring out now that it was opened, and immediately turning your head away from him. "I guess you can come back tomorrow." Said Shigaraki. "It's getting to late to do anything now, just come back tomorrow." You straightened up and looked at Shigaraki. "You bet, Shigaraki!" And Dabi. You added silently. "But don't dare to tell anyone about this." He additionally added. And your mouth was closed.

You walked, almost ran into your apartment. Smiling and giggling. This was the best day of your life! You officially apart of the league of villains! Heck, you even feel more like a villain. You just can't wait for tonight, or maybe you could, after all you were nervous. What was to occur of these test? What whould come to pass being in the league of villains? Since you didn't have the ability to answer these questions, you piloted onto your bed and smashed you face into your pillow. You sighed a huge sigh. Why couldn't you have answers for once!? Hell, all you knew was that you were supposed to be at the weird building at some strange time tomorrow. You went to sleep before you could understand you were even tired... And there you were, in a field of grass. There was a very nice breeze. You had a charming dress on of your (H/C) hair colour. The dress match everything about you, including your looks. You heard someone behind you, you turned to make out who it could be. Your eyes widened at the shape, and the remembrance of Dabi. You result in shock. Dabi was wearing a tuxedo, the tuxedo had a red rose in the chest pocket. The image was stunning. At this point you didn't care where you were, you just wanted to be next to Dabi. You started moving closer to him, you could smell his colone. Once you made it to Dabi you just stud there, viewing up at him. You saw that he had styled his dark hair differently. You began to open your mouth to speak, but you couldn't say anything. You and Dabi just looked at each other for moments that felt like centuries. You felt your heart pound, harder then ever before. It didn't seem like it, but Dabi was moving turns you. You finally realized that Dabi halted infont of your face. Your noses were touching. Is this it? You began to wonder. Is he really going to kiss me? You shut your eyes, waiting for him to come nearer. He lifted his lips to yours and... BEEP, BEEP! You heard you your alarm clock go off. "Ughhh, SHUP UP!" You slammed your alarm clock onto the floor. You put your pillow over your face. You remembered your dream. You blushed at the thought of it. Why whould I have a dream like that? You began to think. You could feel a headache form inside your head. Why was this happening? Did you seriously have a crush on Dabi? If you did, you hated the feeling. You decide to get up from your bed and make some breakfast. You ate it at your table and by your window. It was 7:41 AM, so you had untill tonight to prepare for Shigaraki and his crew. Although, you should have other things on your mind, you were thinking of the dream and of Dabi. What whould you do if you actually had on Dabi? Whould could you do? You face palmed. You got up from your chair at the brown, dirty table of yours. You grabbed your red jacket, and headed out the door of your apartment. You never changed clothes yesterday, so you just went out with the same outfit before. You went out grocery shopping. You you nearly there when you heard sirens, they were police sirens. You watched around to see the black and white cars racing ahead of you. The sound of the loud ringing filled your ears and you hated it. You herded into the grocery store to get away from all the noise. Once you got in you were relieved to get away from the noise and the police. To be honest, you became unsure if the police were coming after you. You took a deep breath in, and a other out. I need to stay strong, after all this is what I wanted isn't it? You just wondered. Shang! You quickly spun around to see what the horrible sound was this time. It was a person covered all in black, and the person had a gun.

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