Mental heart breaks

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Oooo! This is where I level up and start doing paragraphs! I am so glad I started doing that!! Man, the way I used to write was so annoying. The chapters start to get longer too. I thought this was another clover title, now I think its dumb-

You couldn't believe it. Twice had found Dabi! What a relief that was. Twice did seem to be worried quite a lot though, that most likely means it's not time to celebrate yet.

"Where is he?" You asked.

You sounded pretty stuffy when you asked that, because of all the crying you went over, but you were fine now. Really fine considering Twice had found Dabi.

"Come on, I'll show you. He's in a fight with some kid." Twice said while rushing out of the building.

You followed close behind him. So did Kurogiri and Shigaraki. Mr. Compress stayed inside to take care of Deku. You didn't really understand how Deku needed any help or taking care of at all seeing how he was in a tiny marble.

You were concerned about Dabi of course, but where on earth did Toga run off to? You wondered. Toga must have left for a good reason. She did leave Dabi there on the apartment building alone to defend by himself. Yet, you reminded yourself that you also left him up there on the roof. Water filled your eyes again. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry... You told yourself. You didn't need to cry anymore then you already had, and there was no reason to appear weak in font of everyone.

You heard screams and grunts abaft from the tree. You glanced around the big, tall oak to see Dabi in the moon light. You so badly wanted to go up and hug him, and cry into his chest on how much you missed him. But that was a fancy that would probably never happen, and it certainly wouldn't happen now. Dabi was fighting Angry Lemon, or better known as Bakugou Katsuki.

The battle looked intense and serious. Bakugou was bruised here and there, but other then that seemed to be fine. You couldn't say the same for Dabi though. He was the worst contention you had ever seen someone in. His legs were unstable, and looked as of he could fall over any minute. Blood dripped from his forehead and onto his clothes. It didn't look to pretty at all. It looked like he was going to collapse right here in the fight and lose.

"It's that fucking kid again!" Shigaraki growled.

You agreed with him every much. This idiot is going to die! You spoke in your mind. That little fucker... At this point you couldn't care less that you didn't have a quirk that could help you with fighting, you just wanted Angry Lemon to die! You ran up to him and his dumb hair cut. Did his mom hair his hair or what? You stood at Angry Lemon's back and waited for him to turn around and see you there.

He did glaze behind him and see you. "Hey, you can't be here! Dumb ass!" He shouted into your face. Your (E/C) eyes lit up a bright fire. Today was the day you killed a man! Bakugou was just some wanna be kid to you. A another wanna be kid to be destroyed! You clinched your hand into a fist, and pushed that sucker right in the face. He was ugly anyway...

"Ugh... Why you little-" He was cut off by Shigaraki.

He was right next to him, his hand touching Bakugou's arm. Well almost his whole hand. Shigaraki was warning him if he made a another move his arm would be no more. This made you want to laugh, but his was no time for smile's and sunshine.

Shigaraki leaned in to Bakugou's ear and whispered, "We have him." You could hardly hear what he had said. Bakugou didn't seem to be moved by this at all, in fact he just appeared to be more angry like he does. He didn't say anything back at him which surprised you. You expected to hear something on the lines of "GET YOUR NASTY HANDS OFF OF ME!" Or "I'LL KILL YOU! DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE!" But didn't.

He just looked angry at Shigaraki. Bakugou had murder in his eyes, it looked like he was planning on killing him himself. That was no way going to happen though. Not in his lifetime.

Shigaraki peered up at Kurogiri. "Send him back to UA."

So then and there Kurogiri made a portal under Bakugou's feet. He fell in and he closed the portal once more. "Why did we send him back? We'll just tell the others were we are." Kurogiri said. He was obviously curious on what he was planning on doing. Shigaraki stayed quiet, and looked on over to Dabi. The sight of him was sickening and every shocking. You've would have never guessed that he could look like this.

Dabi seemed to be nothing more then a dead leaf. You ran on over to him, but by the time you stopped in front of him he had passed out, without saying a another word. Sadness crossed over your face. You crocheted down to him. You saw his very tiered face, although he always did look sleepy. He was hurt. And so were you.

You were hurt plenty mentally , by your mother leaving you to take care of yourself, by the mocking way Toga stared at you, and Dabi had done way to much damage to even put into words. You sniffled. Water fell from your eyes. You felt something turns Dabi, you just didn't know what it was, nor if you even wanted to figure it out. All you did understand was that you missed him, you missed Dabi so much.

Usually when you cry you cried slightly, so that barely anyone could hear you, but this time was diffrent from the others. You cried like a baby. You've never felt this way for a person before, you really just wanted to cry for him since he was unable of doing it himself. There on that night, you cried next to Dabi's sleeping body, or what was passed out anyway.

"(Y/N), we need to get going back." Said Twice.

You didn't look up from crying.

"I still don't understand on why we let that kid go. We could have killed him or-" Kurogiri was shut off by Shigaraki.

"Don't you see? Now the boy knows we have his friend. And he'll want him back for sure."

"How did you know that he was his friend? Maybe they were enemy's."

"Nonsense! They'll come back for him... And when they do we'll have our plan ready."

You ignored their conversion and continued to cry, but less harder this time. You put Dabi's hand in yours, you smiled at this. You were going to be ready for when Angry Lemon and his other dumb friends came back for little, poor Broccoli Boy, and you were sure of it.

This was a new arisen...

Of a true villain

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