Phone call

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I'm lovin the anime 91 days rn...its so sad...2 more eps left *checks playlist* oh *sniff* Ricky Montgomery is nice *sniff*

You could make out the sounds of rain drops falling onto the roof and window of the lightless room you were in. The warmth of Dabi was gone. His scent still remained on his side of the bed. Dabi being gone confuses you. He was right there when you fell asleep wasn't he? Maybe you were misunderstanding the problem here. He could of just went to the bathroom or get a snack. Why were you so concerned anyway? A handsome guy that you liked is no where to be seen, what's the big deal? You sat up on the bed, looking for a trace of him to be found.

Only you were in the room. You stepped onto the floor, you knew you weren't going back to sleep without knowing where he is. You stalked out of the room as quietly as possible so you didn't disturb Aki from her sleeping. You turned your head to side to side as you walked down the dark hallway, searching for your dear Dabi. You made it to the bathroom, but you saw how the door was open with no lights on. It was so quiet too. Your worst fears came into your head. Dabi might have been taken by Toga and the other fools. The thought even made your mouth taste sour. Sourer than Sour Lemon himself. You had to believe that he was still somewhere else then with a brat like Toga.

You waved the thought of him being kidnapped out of your head. There was no way Toga could just take Dabi. Dabi could easily get away by the power of his quirk. If it was a fight, you should of heard it too. It was raining, that could of cut the fighting off. He just might have went to Aki's room to sleep. You wished that wasn't true. You peered into her room anyway to be safe, and not be worrying to much about him that it keeps you up all night. You almost woke her up to find Dabi with you, but you didn't want to cause her anymore trouble. Aki already gave you a room to stay and sleep in, even if there was only one bed. You stared at her bed. It was empty of Dabi, and full of Aki. She was a very messy sleeper. Aki had her pillow on the ground. You picked it up for her and placed it beside her, trying to be as quiet as a mouse. As you put it by her you seen a shadow that flashed across the room.

What the fuck was that? You wondered.

You eyed the window that the shadow came from but nothing else ever came by it again. You left Aki's bedroom and checked all the other windows for a sign of life out there. You mostly looked for Dabi, he was not anywhere in sight.

You made a decision to go outside to see what the shadow was about. You turned the handle and hoped for the best. The air was cold outside, and the grass was wet with rain. The rain dripped onto your head, a shiver ran turns the end of your spine. Out a ways, was a dark figure. You couldn't see how or what it was, it looked tall and thin though.

You walked a little ways closer to the tall thin shadow to get a better idea of what it might be. The figure looked like it was doing nothing, as you got closer to it you realized that the figure had arms and legs. One hand was up to its head. Their phone in hand, you were able to see it finally, barely. Everything was very difficult to see since it was so dark and rainy. You heard mumbling from the person on the phone. You don't know what they're saying through the rain. You stepped close enough to find out who it was, Dabi. As you place your hand on his shoulder to try to get his attention, he hangs up the person he was speaking with on his phone. Dabi gawks at you with big eyes.

Oh... I must've scared him. You think silently. We're both going to catch a cold if we stay outside in the rain any longer.

Dabi continues to stare blankly at you. His face softened a bit at last. You started to shiver from all the cold. Dabi took notice of your shivering, he put his hand on your back and pushed you back inside the house. After you two got fully in Dabi locked the door to Aki's house. He stared at you once more. The staring was beginning to make you nervous.

"What were you doing out there?" You break the silents.

No response for a minute. Like Dabi never heard you. You were about to repeat the question, until he spoke.

"Just.. getting some air."

"In the freezing cold rain?"

"...I've just been stressed out...Ok?"

You didn't say anything, but nodded at him. You didn't know this was causing stress for him, you should've guessed. This was a lot to take in. With Toga, Twice, and Mr. Compress going and leaving, ditching you and Dabi behind like this... nothing felt like the league of villains like it once had. Nothing turned out the way you had planned it too. Then again, no plan of yours has worked.

"What should we do with Broccoli Boy? He's here ya know." Dabi reminded you.

You saw the blue marble of the teenager. What can both of you do with him..? Could you just let Deku go? That wasn't the smartest move to make. You didn't feel right with leaving the poor boy in there either. Which you don't know if you can free Deku from the tiny ball without Mr. Compress's power. You swallowed hard.

"I guess we could hand him over to the heroes so we don't have to deal with him anymore." You suggested.

"Are you kidding?" Dabi asked as if you were totally insane. "We might be able to use Broccoli Boy to our advantage. He could be a villain at heart too." Dabi explained to you.

You didn't know if taking advantage was fitting for the teen aged boy. He was, well... only a kid. You couldn't see yourself as that kind of person. You wanted Dabi to be safe, along with yourself but he was your real concern. You needed him to be okay, you didn't want to think about what would happen to you if he wasn't. Dabi had saved you so many times now that you've lost count.

"(Y/N)..? Are you ok?" His voice was weak.

You shot back to your awake-as-can-be stage. "Ah... yes. I'm fine." Dabi might be right... Deku could be a villain just like me and him. You thought to yourself. "We should get some sleep. We'll know what to do with him in the morning." You said, trying to convince you and Dabi. You couldn't afford a mistake now of all times. You needed sleep, and from the looks of Dabi so did he.

As you went back to Dabi's and your room a thought ran through your head. I forgot to ask him who he was on the phone with... I can ask him tomorrow. You laid on the bad once more with Dabi. Hoping to get more sleep this time.

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