We're quitting

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I think this is chapter 49 if anyone is reading this 

You got up on your elbows to be closer to Touya. You stared at his watering eyes for a second or two.


He looked away from you, avoiding your eyes.

Did I want to be a villain either..? You thought while still glaring at him.

"... We should get getting back." His fight arm went across his tearing eyes. His arm fell back down as he stood. Touya put a hand out for you to grab a hold to.

You took his hand in yours as you got to your feet as well. You started walking back down the hill from the way you had came up. Your eyes met with the tree one last time, but as you blinked the tree was gone. It was a awkward way back with Touya. Not a thing was said. You ended up going past the pet store, you looked in to see someone buying the dog you adored over before you and Touya had left. You felt his hand grip on yours harder then he was. This bought your attention to him. You lifted your head as to ask what.

"(Y/n)..." Touya trailed off into a dark cord. "Do you like being a villain?"

A gasp escaped your lips. You were taken back from his question. You just had asked yourself that same very thing. I'm... I'm not sure. You wanted to speak out loud but it seemed hard to do so. You stayed that way until you could find something for a answer.

You look around in case anyone is in ears reach. "I-I think... Well I didn't want to be the one who... did that to her, Toga." You bit your bottom lip as you swallowed hard. "I geuss I'm not really all that sure." Your voice began to shake and your left hand twitched more than it ever should. You were to deep in thought to notice that you were about to trip on your own feet.

"Arg..!" You squeaked as you squeezed your (e/c) eyes shut.

Instead of feeling the hard ground reach to your nose, eyes, and face, you felt Touya tug you back up to your feet. You peeled your eyes back open slowly, your right being more active then the other. You saw him with his dreamy blue eyes glaring down at you.

"Are you ok? What happend?" He asked with concern.

Your hand found its way to the back of your neck. "Oh, um... I think I tripped on something." You said while being kinda embarrassed.

Ugh, how stupid can you be to fall on your own two feet (Y/n)? You thought, not really they badly angry with yourself.

Touya gave a nod to you and made his way back to walking to, what you were guessing was Aki's house. This time instead of Touya holding onto your hand as you two walked down the street, his arm went over your shoulders. His arm being wrapped around you made you jump a little, shocked at the gesture. You didn't expect him to do that.

The weather seemed to change on the side of the street once the both of you left to go up a hill and the air chilled as you went away. There was a breeze that went through your (h/c), making it blow to the opposite side of Touya.

You sighed as you started to think. I want cut out to be a villain in the first place. What was I even thinking?

Touya saw that you were deep in thought about something you wouldn't want him to know about. He could act like he didn't care but he did, he always cared for you.

"What's up, butter cup?" He forgot to smile as he asked.

You bought your (e/c) eyes to his blue ones. "Oh, I. I don't know." You made fun of yourself on the inside for saying such stupid stuff like that. "I just didn't know what I was getting myself into when I joined the league of villains." You admitted.

New Arisen Dabi x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें