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Back to your point of view:

You sat on the bed, still pouting. You were sick of it. All you wanted to know was who this friend was. He would've have really given a UA kid Deku without telling you, the UA kids were the ones who even knocked Dabi out. Now Dabi says he has friends there, unbelievable. Aki knocked on the door to the bedroom. You were expecting her.

"What do you want?" You said as you go to open the door.

She was a weird expression on her face. "What's up with you and Dabi?" Aki asked a bit of sorrow in her voice.

You itched, not wanting to explain what was going on in your life. But she had those yellow eyes, the yellow ones that were just begging to be told what was wrong.

"Dabi just piss's me off." She gets out of you.

Aki looks at you concernedly. She knew there was more to it then that, you weren't telling her this. "If this is about you crushing on Dabi I think I can help." Aki smirks.

"I-I do not have a crush!" Then you cross your arms like a child and turn your head away from hers.

Aki's smirk only grows from you denying it. She could see right through your game, you can't hate the fact of that more. Is that her quirk or something? Knowing people's crushes? You think to yourself.

"Aw, come on! Just admit it already! You like Dab-"

She was cut short of a knock on her house door. You hear Dabi get up and head to the door in the other room before Aki got too. You didn't go out to see who it was because you were still upset with Dabi. You did find it suspicious that he had got up so fast to open the door for a person, whoever that may be. You weren't able to hear the words Dabi spoke and the newcomers words either. You plopped yourself down and the bed again. Waiting for the person to leaving, also thinking about what Aki had said. Aw, come on! Just admit it already! You like Dab- You knew very well that she was going to say Dabi. It made you mad but it in a way made you happy to know that someone can see that you like him. You felt as if you had a friend maybe. You knew right as hell you liked Dabi. You couldn't bring yourself to actually say it though. You and Dabi, you almost couldn't see it. Dabi didn't seem like the type of guy to date, he was like to cool for that thing. You saw it impossible for a girl like you to be together with a guy like Dabi.

You start to hear Dabi's voice better, along with the newcomers. They let them inside... when two of you are villains! You knew Dabi would be caught frist, you might be able to make an escape plan before anyone can see you.

"Viewer!" Aki swings the door back as far as possible. "Do you have any idea on who's here right now?"

You beamed at her with a wondering look. "No. I don't." You replied dryly.

"It's To-do-roki." Aki spaced out the hero in training's name. "He's here in my house!"

Your feet touched the floor. A hero was not what you needed right now. It was the last thing you ever wanted to see again. Even if it was just a teenager. Aki seemed very excited, she must have forgotten who you are and what you do. Aki's eyes showed confusion. "Do you not know who Todoroki is?" She asked astonishingly.

"Oh I know who he is all right." You say with a hint of sour in your voice.

A funny look covered her entire face. She couldn't tell why you weren't jumping up and down like she was. A hella hot hero was in her house! Aki was prepared to have a heart attack just from Todoroki himself being in the same house as her. You on the other hand only saw a fight coming. Dabi was probably already on it. You went to see what all this fuzz was about. There next to the dinner table was Depressao. Not to mention Dabi. You didn't take any real notice of him, although it got on your nerves that Dabi let Depressao inside Aki's home, or did she allow him instead? From the looks of it Dabi and Depressao were having a normal conversation. Depressao must've been stupid to have come here when you were mad, and Dabi must have been twice as stupid for letting a hero inside! You were ready to kick ass, and not just Depressao's too. Dabi had it coming.

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