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Do you ever listen to sad music to get into the feels? Cuz i know i do. btw i edited like 2 misspelled words in this chapter-

She told you her plan. It was easier said then done. You were going to risk your freedom for her, Toga of all the people in this world. Toga needed you to use your quirk to keep a eye on the police outside the building. You nor anyone in the team of villain's that was there knew if anyone saw what Toga did to Ectoplasm. The police were going to get supisoues. That's why you had to act fast.

You used your quirk to see if the police had seen the team or not. From what the vision told you, maybe, it was passable. One thing that scared you was that the police all had their guns out. Guns were aimed at the door of the building. You blanked out of the vision.

"They have guns. But I can't be sure if they saw us or not." You said.

Toga turned to Twice. "Do you have the measurements of Mr. Compress?" Twice nodded at her. Then made two other Compress'. They all looked exactly the same. The compress' stared at one another for a moment, then they had their eyes on Toga who now started talking again. "Alright, Mr. Compress you can tell the other you's about my plan while I tell Twice about faze two."

What about me? I'm not apart of the plan anymore? You thought.

She whispered something to Twice, that you did not hear but you wished you could have. Compress told himself, or the clones of himself about the plan Toga had. You were still going to help Toga even if you didn't know what she said to Twice. It couldn't be that bad... Hopefully you would not regret this decision. You were going to take a risk with helping Toga or not. You could be just giving up your freedom for her safely, but Toga did help you with Ectoplasm. It wasn't the best choice that Toga killed him, maybe it was the only thing she could manage at the time. It was either you or Ectoplasm, and it was the hero who had been destroyed. You took a deep breath. This was the only choice to freedom right now, even if it was this risky you were going to go along with it.

Toga's plan was for you to go out in the open where the police were. They were going to be distracted by you that when Mr. Compress, or Compress' wouldn't be seen. The Compress' would attack the cops including Twice with them. It was better to have multiple Compress' for this kind of event. Toga or Ectoplasm in disguised would find a way around all of the police. It sounded kinda weird at first, but she told you if she were to get caught she would at least be Ectoplasm, so the police couldn't mind her.

You weren't inertly convinced that Toga's plan was going to work, like before this was the only chance of freedom. As planned you headed out of the building, hands up. You hoped that they wouldn't shout at you.

"Get down! Get on your knees!" The police yelled at you.

You did as you were told. You feared that maybe Mr. Compress and Twice hadn't made it out. You might actually get arrested. Police surrounded you, hand cuffing you. For a second you were thinking about struggling against them, to get away and just run for it. But after the police fully hand cuffed you one of the Mr. Compress's could be seen helping you. It bring hope to your soul. Since there was more Mr. Compress' it was a easier task. You still had your hands cuffed behind your back. You wished Toga would hurry up, even if they all got out here a few moments ago you didn't want to be pinned like this.

One of the police that was by you had a surprised expression on top of her face. "Your the one who got captured by the league of villain's... I thought Mr. Police man was with you..." The cop was in loss of words.

She looked very confused on why you were here. If she only knew what had happened to Mr. Police man. You couldn't pity her thought. Not now a little. They would all soon find out who you really are. You used this time to see if you were able to check up on Toga with your power. You don't know how easy if was going to be with all these people around here with visions you didn't care to see. You knew this wasn't going to be over for a long while.

The first vision was a view of a dark alley way. Kinda like the one Dabi took you to. You admired the cracks of the alley to see if you could make out where this person was, whoever it was they were speed walking. There was a good chance it was Toga, and another chance it was totally not her. You broke out of the vision. One of the Compress' disappeared from the fight. Which left the original and one copy. Twice was there as well, fighting among them. The officer from before, who had recognized you was now being taking out by Mr. Compress. She may never know the real me... You sighed to yourself. You just wanted to be unhand cuffed already.

"Hey guys!" You heard a familiar voice yell at the team of villain's.

It was Toga, back to looking like herself. She wore a huge smile on her face. It was creepy. You heard what she said.

"I found a way out of here! Come on Twice, Mr. Compress!"

You glazed at her. Ummm... Me? I'm stuck with my hands behind my back. You questioned her choice of words silently. You waited for her to take image of you, but never did. Twice was leaving. Mr. Compress seemed just as confused as you are.

"Hey... Hey! Wh-what about m-me?" You stuttered.

You and Mr. Compress peered at her wondering why she hadn't said anything about you.

"We're leaving her." Toga heard more police sirens. "Come on! The police are coming"

He stilled looked unsure. He didn't want to follow her orders. The police were appearing into sight. That's when he ran. You knew it was coming. Toga was apart of the league of villain's much longer then you. They would all choose her over you. Toga and the other boys left. With the double of Mr. Compress too. The cars with flashing lights came all around you. Cutting off every exit. At this point you could barely do anything. It was time to give up. Nothing could save you now. Maybe Shigaraki was still inside than he might be able to help you. But you knew that he wasn't.

"Arrest her!" The big cop shouted at the rest of them. They came running at you with guns in their hands. You shut her eyes as they took you away.

"Woah! What the heck-"

Blue fire spends. Blue fire... that can only mean.

"Dabi!" You screamed. Your heart jolted to your head. The bright fire brings tears to your (e/c) eyes. Dabi was in the clearing now. He has Deku. He looks very mad. Like he just wants to blow this place up.

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