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I dont re-read my stories. I think they're cringe-

p.s There were notes from the original back on quote, but im deleting them here on watt, cuz they are stupid :)

You stood there shocked and frozen. You couldn't seem to move. The black figure hinted to notice you, that made you even more scared. Infact, the dark cloak intended to be moving closer to yourself. What is going on!? You thought wildly. You began to sweat. Could this be a dream? Could you possibly wake up from this like the dream before? If you were able to you hoped you whould wake up soon. Help was going to come, wasn't it? The person with the gun stoped about two feet infont of you. You shivered. It was obvious that the person was looking down at you, since the the criminal was taller then you by a long shot. The hand that they were holding the gun in started to move up turns you. Your eyes widened with fear. You only watched as the 'psychopath' got the weapon closer to your chest. You felt your heart race, your fingers twitch, the numbness in your legs, and the glaze coming from the covered person. You hated the intensenss of the stair, you could almost feel heat from of it. The eyes like lasers off your bare skin. A half of a half of a half of a moment later a automated voice said: "Come with me." It sounded like a robots voice. You didn't want to go with them, but they had a gun to your chest, what else could you possibly do? Your quirk isn't going to solve this, you thought it was always just good for spying on people. You gulped. You had to go with them, or else... Death. You showed tears in your pretty (E/C) eyes. You heard the gun person sigh, as if they almost were forced or felt pity for you. But the criminal held their ground. "Come here." The voice sounded again. You stumbled closer, you hardly could walk from how scared you were. You wanted to be a villain, sure, but you never wanted to be the victim of a villain. You became scared out of your mind. The police were going to come right? A super hero? Anyone..? You didn't know if anyone was anyone was in the area, whould this be the end of you? The person gripped your wrist with their free hand, and began to make it to the exit. You just looked down the entire way, looking at the person's boots, they were black of course. You decided to look up at the back of his hood, since the person was practically dragging you. You hadn't had a clue of what this person wants from you, you just followed because you have no other choice. The person enters a door with a sign on it that read: Employee's only. You quivered. When you were harshly pulled into the room with grey wall's and box's everywhere, you saw a man! Now he can call the police and get this over with. When the man turn turns you he looked scared half to death. He was slowly backing away from you and the villain. Oh, you got to be kidding me! You yelled inside your mind. You didn't dare speak in front of your captiver. The scardy cat employee ran fast away from you, but not fast enough, sad to say. The villain held up their gun and started shooting, one of the bullets hit him in his back, and he bleeded, bad. "That will be you if you don't behave." The automated voice said. You started to cry, why was this happing to you? The person lead you to the back door, the Exit. They stepped out first, with you following after. Now you were in an alley, a very dark, dirty, nasty smelling alley. Whatever this person hoped to get out of you, wasn't going to get it. If they both were to leave the alley they whould be exposed to people all around, and you could manage to get help from them. What an idiot, do they plan to get caught? Ha! Both you and the person stop. You patiently wait for them to make one wrong move, smirking evilly at the back of the hood that the villain wear. Shortly, after breaking out of your criticizing thoughts, you acknowledge something was pulling your wrist again, you looked down to see what tugged on it. It was the criminal's hand. They wandered off to another door, it was a dark drown, it looked old, it had tiny light grey scratches on it. When they turned the nob of the old drown door it screeched. It really was a terrible sound, but you can't help it. You walked into the room willingly. The room was centrally dark. You barely can see anything. But the villain keeps moving you along. But you had enough! This was going to stop here and now! You tugged and tugged to grasp your wrist back, but they were stronger. The person pushed you against some kind of wall, it was hard and cold on your body. "If you don't stop it and behave right now, I am going to kill you!" They pushed their gun against your chest, it stabbed into your clothes and skin. Your face was hot with anger, you wanted nothing more then to get free from this person's grasp. "Wh-what do you even want from me?" Your voice squeaked. You even felt tears drip down your face. The person didn't reply. Although, they were nice enough to remove the gun from your chest, that was the best feeling in the world! "Just come with me to get this over with." Was all that the criminal said. This time you didn't try to struggle, you didn't try to break free, you never tryed to win, you went willingly. You headed down the stairs, into the new room where there were lights so you could now see again. There was also a chair the person let you sit down in, so you did. And waited... patiently, for some else's arrival.

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