Bad & good news

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I dont know wut to put here ;-;

You switched off your quirk to see that you were still in the same place as before. You looked all around you, the police men that were left were talking to each other they were probably forming a plan of some sort, some of the police left from home or went to help Depressao and Pikachu Guy. You figured that they thought Endeavor would save the day again or some shit. Sucks for them because Endeavor would most likely set everything on fire. One thing was bugging you though, that stupid Touya guy. Just who the hell was he? Maybe more then one was bugging you though, could you just walk home, or no? You were right here in your apartment parking lot, so could you? You got up with the blanket falling off from you, the blanket somehow felt less important to you now. You headed from your apartment door. "Hey, where are you going?" You heard a sweet voice ask. You sighed and turned around to see little Broccoli Boy staring at you with cute beaming eyes. "Uh, I was going home." You say pretty embarrassingly. "Am I allowed to do that?" You ask him. Broccoli Boy gave you a kind look mixed with pity. "The police are going to need to ask you a few questions. Then you can go." He smiled kindly at you, then spoke some more. "Hey, your name is (Y/N), right? Toga said it was, but you never know she could be lying." You forced a small smile on to your face and replied to him. "Actually, I'm Viewer." Now he has a look of curiously written all over his chubby little face. You decided to use that name because it made you feel more superior. Although, Broccoli Boy wouldn't understand it, not untill you really put the name to use. "That's a nice name." He said cheekily with that same dumb expression on his face. Broccoli Boy flashed his glaze over to the police men, then back to you. "I could go see when you can leave." He suggested. Finally! A good idea! You said in your mind. You nodded in a excited way. So all long story short, Broccoli Boy went over to the police officers that were probably talking about getting doughnuts soon. You waited for a while, watching them talk and talk, with hand movements if you might add, lots of those. After that long boring process Broccoli Boy came running back over to you. "Good news, and bad news." He said breathlessly. You always thought that by saying the bad news frist was the best way to do it, because then the good news comes back after the bad news it made you have more hope, but you guessed Broccoli Boy did things a different way. "So good news frist..." You sighed at that, still waiting for this so called good news. What possibly could be good out of all of this? "You can go home." Holy Crap, this is really good news! You thought to yourself. The thought of you going home bring tears to your eyes. Untill the next part, which was of course, the bad news. "After the police question you." All of hope had been lost by now, those words destroyed everything! Heck, you were dying inside. Plus, if the officers were planning on questioning you, what were you going to say to them? "Oh yeah, I was going to be a villain, but a bitch slapped me in the face along with this other hot guy named Dabi. Speaking of Dabi, I had a dream about him. Pretty lurid dream if you ask me." Yeah, that isn't going to go well the police. How could they let that go unpunished? This wasn't going to work, nothing was going to work from you. Now what's left for you is to just die in a prison cell, alone, cold, and afraid. BOOM!!! Everyone stopped what they were doing, and became silent. Behind a building was smoke, so much smoke. A very big explosion had went off. "Kacchan?" You heard Broccoli Boy whisper under his breath. Yeah... Angry Lemon's quirk. You thought. Why was Angry Lemon all way over there, and how? "Endeavor must be helping him, right?" You asked him. He ignored you and just keeped his eyes glued on the explosion. "I've gotta go help him!" Broccoli Boy shouted and started running turns the huge explosion. Now you were alone, no one was watching you. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the explosion and the huge BOOM, that had came. You could make a run for it, but trouble was your eyes were fixed on it just as much as anyone else's. There was ringing in your ears. A loud ringing. You hated it, but you weren't really able to do anything at the time. You kinda just stood there, waiting to be unfrozen, like Depressao had just froze you with ice or something. There in distance was blue, a nice bright blue. It also seemed as if it was fire. Because it was fire, and it was blue. It was no other then Dabi's quirk. Which meant, Dabi and Angry Lemon were fighting at the moment. You didn't know it at the time, but you were running, running turns Dabi and Angry Lemon. Some of the tree's were burning with blue and regular colored fire. You were able to see Broccoli Boy now. Broccoli Boy was much faster then you, you were barely keeping up with him. Tho, he did have a head start. The fire got hotter and hotter as you went deeper into the forest. You could tell you were close to where they both were. So you ran faster. It was really hot, and you were running out of energy to keep running to keep up with Broccoli Boy. For some weird reason you knew you had to help, help fucking Dabi, at the time you didn't care. All you cared about was getting home in you nice cozy bed, to eat food, and watch the sunset with Dabi- ok forget that last part. "Why didn't you come sooner you nerd?" You could hear Angry Lemon speak. The fight has started, or has already began.

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