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OHH! You guys wouldnt know this but the reason it says "Kacchan" on the cover (you ppl probably didnt even notice) is bc my username used to be Kacchan!

2ND point of view again

At the time you were trying your best to help everybody, everybody but the 'good guys' of course. You used your quirk to spy on the police officers, and then warned Dabi and the others about them. You and the league of villains hoped that Shigaraki would come send some help, but unfortunately that wasn't the case here. Voices could be heard all underneath you. You gulped down a cry for help, you peered at Dabi. Sure you were a little mad at him still for keeping you captive for a short period of time, but you had much bigger stuff you worry about now. For some reason you found comfort at looking at him, where you could admire his messy black hair, his nice shoulders, and his smile. Wait, why was he smiling? This was not a time for smiling! You stomped on over to him, and nervously touched his back to get his attention. Dabi orbited around to face you. When he did he seemed tried, and weary. Dabi didn't seem himself in other words. "What is it, (Y/N)?" He grunted. At this time you had wished that you had not came over here, to bad you didn't have a quirk to rewind time, that wouldn't just fix this moment, but all the others you had messed up and trashed. You looked at him with sorry, sad eyes. Maybe if he didn't walk you home this wouldn't have happened, it would have just of been you fighting the police, or even more likely you giving in. "I'm sorry" You apologized. "I didn't know this would happen, you should of just stayed back at the league of villains." You said to him, hoping no one else would hear, you didn't want everyone to think your a doubter. This time you've lost all your hope, this could of all been avoided if you hadn't of joined the league of villains. If you could rewind time, you would rewind it to never join the league of villains, never to meet Dabi, never to have to deal with Toga again (which was a good thing), Dabi wouldn've wasted all that time running you around for that one stupid test- Test. Maybe this here was a test, maybe that's why Dabi is smiling so much. Is this all a joke? Holy crap! Is this really what this really is!? You wondering inside you head. "Is... Is this a test?" You ask. Dabi's eyes widened at that. So that's it? You were beginning to become angry from the lack of response. "Is this a test?" You repeated louder this time. Dabi shook his head 'no', and began to utter something, but was interrupted by, Broccoli Boy? "Leave. Her. Alone." Broccoli Boy said to Dabi. He looked mad and happy all at once. Your eyes wandered off over to the side of Broccoli Boy to see Toga's smiling face. Her ugly smiling face. Then you seeked your vision back to Dabi, which he obviously didn't look too happy about Cucumber being up here. He activated his quirk, just about to send Broccoli Boy to the deeps of Hell, until Toga ran in his way, blocking Broccoli Boy as if she liked him or some shit. You became speechless after this event. "What are you doing, Toga? Get out of my way." He said angrily. Toga just smiled. "But we have to give her back." She exclaim. Dabi flashed a look of confusing, and curiosity to her. "What do mean?" He was trying with all his might to not set Toga on fire at this very moment. Toga glanced at you with such Devil looking eyes, they almost cut into your skin. "What Toga means is if you don't give (Y/N) back right now, I'm going to have to do this." Broccoli Boy moved passed you and pushed Dabi right in the gut, plus Broccoli Boy was glowing green. Which you should've laughed at, but you couldn't, you weren't sure if you were ever be able to feel anything anymore. Did Dabi really betrey me? Is this all just a fucking joke? You were beginning to panic, but not on the outside, but in the inside instead. "WAIT!" You just shouted. You faced to Broccoli Boy, who was already staring at you. "I'll go with you." Everyone had shocked faces except Broccoli Boy who looked pleased. Dabi watched as you turned around with Broccoli Boy. You made your way to the ladder that lead downwards. A cold breezed came across your face. You looked to your right to find Depressao. He looked, well, he looked like he always does, serious and strong and... "Hey, I got to get to the police." Broccoli Boy said with a kind look on his smooth, young, weird face. You began to get down the ladder, but before you were able to you had to hear Dabi's complicates frist. "What's the meaning of this!? Your just leaving!?" Dabi complicates. That is all you heard while you climbed down the ladder. This is all a trick, right? You thought to yourself, as you took your last step down the ladder. Broccoli Boy just jumped down, making you change thoughts to other thoughts on how cool it would be to have a diffrent quirk, like Broccoli Boy's or Depressao's. You were able to hear the fighting against Dabi and Depressao, you tryed to ignore them, and pay attention to something else. Like how you were getting closer to the police, but continued to follow Broccoli Boy's lead. Broccoli Boy couldn't actually be arresting you now, can he? Nah, he's to soft. You try to convince yourself. "So how did you get captured by the league of villains?" Broccoli Boy tryed to start a conversation with you. But little did he know you sucked at that stuff. Although, one thing had you off, what did Broccoli Boy mean by captured? Did he still think that what that other employee saw was true? Wasn't Broccoli Boy working for Dabi? Something wasn't right, and you could feel it. You looked back at the building you had been on top of, and saw Toga, Toga smiling and staring right at you and your sorry little life.

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