Two pro's

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Still can't get over 91 days's ending :,(((

(Back to Your POV):

Shouto came walking through the doorway, stopped closer by and Shigaraki then his brother. His brown and blue eyes looked at Aki then over turns you. You didn't think he was going to say anything, nor did you think anyone was going to say anything to him because no excepted back here. You for sure thought he had left back to U.A never to be seen again. Not unless he wanted to arrest you. Maybe that's why he came, to get back at you from what you had done to Katsuki Bakugou. You didn't see anyone else coming in to take you in hold, he came alone.

"I didn't know you guys would come back so soon." He said simply.

"I didn't know you were going to come back so soon." You repeated "Why are you here, Icy hot?"

Shouto was taken back by your words. "Can you stop calling me that? I'm not Icy hot. And she called me." He pointed at Aki.

Now you were taken back. Did Aki like Shouto more then you because he was a hero? You thought about it. She must like him more then you. Aki agrees with heroes more than she ever dud villains, and asking yourself if you wanted to be friends with yourself more or Shouto, you would pick Shouto. Mostly because of his quirk though.

Aki looked embarrassed to be called out and pointed at by him. Who wouldn't. Her eyes ran to the ground, not making eye contact with any of her surroundings made her feel better.

"I-I thought it was for the best..."

Best? Best of what? You thought angrily.

She still didn't look up to see the mad expression on your face. Aki was scared of being alone with so many villains, even if they promised they wouldn't hurt her. You're officially quitting being a villain as well. You and Touya that is.

"What did you come back for? Or what did you come back to say?" Shouto asked you.

Icy hot was already guessing what you came back here for. It wasn't a real big deal was it? You and Touya returned home, or temporary home anyway. Sure you are going to have to tell Icy hot that neither you or Touya are villains anymore, but you find it rude that he came into Aki's house just to ask what the hell you were doing back here.

Touya stepped forward to his brother, who was beginning to get inpatient. "Fuck off." He said like before when Shouto had asked him to be a hero. "Stay away from me." Then Touya turned his glaze away from his brother.

We have to tell him, even if you do tell him to fuck off, Touya. You thought.

Touya backed off from his little brother and closer to you. Perhaps this wasn't the best time to announce your becoming a citizen to everyone. Wait, do you want Shigaraki and Kurogiri to know? They are right here in the living room with you all. You don't want to be on Shigaraki's bad side even if your quitting, and above all that Touya, or known as Dabi to them is one of their strongest men. You don't know how they'll react to his retirement in the league of villains, you didn't think they would care so much for yours.

You swallowed hard. You can be friends with Shigaraki and Kurogiri after you tell them the news correct? Fuck. You don't wanna ruin everything. First step to not run everything: Touya's got to calm down. No way on telling Icy hot with Touya on your back like this.

Your hand went around his to hold onto it. You didn't see many other options to let him know that it's ok. The whole reason you are here now is because you've came to tell them the good news.

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