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Haha! I left you on a cliff hanger! I love leaving my readers on those!

Someone was plucking at your cheek, you lifted your eyelids to see Aki there smiling at you.

"Morning, sleepy head!" She chuckled.

You groaned in reply. You covered your face with the blanket, attempting to hide from Aki. That failed. She yanked off the blankets, trying harder to get you up and out of bed. Aki giggled the whole time while trying desperately to get you out of bed.

"Go away..." You whined.

"Not in a million years! Come on, get up!" She giggled some more.

You noticed that Dabi wasn't next to you anymore. You got out of bed after all of Aki's begging of you to do so and started to look for him. Aki saw what you were doing, she knew that you wanted to see Dabi again. She knew where he was, but only smiled as you tried to find him. She found pleasure watching you search for him. She would dare say it was amusing. You had a worried display on your face while you searched for Dabi. Aki's smile grew with satisfaction. How much she just loved to see to desperately look for him. She could tell something was up with you and Dabi.

"You like Dabi, uh?" Aki spoke. You locked eyes with her. Your face was washed in blush almost instantly after you had fully processed the thing she was asking.

"Of course not! I like Dabi as a friend, not a..." You stopped as you were about to say boyfriend. You didn't really like him... Did you? "Boyfriend..." You muttered. You didn't think Aki caught on to the pause of words, you couldn't have been more wrong.

Aki gave you a dorky grin, although she said nothing more of the subject she thought all the more about it. You avoided her eyes. You walked in the kitchen, your head not facing Aki.

"Want breakfast?" Aki asked you kindly.

"Yeah." You said still not turning an eye to her.

Aki started making toast for you and herself. You made sure to watch the ground, never picking your field of vision up to her. You thought about her question. The question made you blush. The more and more you thought about it the more you wanted to die. You can't have true feelings for him can you? Your heart began to beat faster. Your breathing picked up. You were going to die because of Aki's dumb question that was most likely a joke. A joke. You were going to die over a silly little joke! Aki finished buttering the toast and put it on a plate for you. She went to head it to you but saw how you were having a mini heart attack. She dropped the toast and hugged you. "Are you ok? Are you breathing? Don't go to light, Dabi can't came back here to see you dead!" She yelled.

You looked at her, her yellow eyes wide in fear. Aki was probably confused why you seemed this dazed, and your breathing so heavy. You slowed yourself down, taking large deep breaths. Your heart kept its past, practically beating its way out of your chest. Aki knew your breathing started to change, she was still very worried about.

"Do you want me to call nine one one?" Aki asked, then realizing that she couldn't. If she called the hospital the police would get involved, and she knew perfectly well what you've and Dabi have been. You two were villain's, Aki wouldn't risk it unless she really had too.

"No. No. I'm fine." She said under your breath.

Aki helped you get to your feet. You take out a big sigh.

"What was that about?" She asked you.

You didn't want to answer that. You didn't feel the need to tell her she was the reason of your... accident. You just weren't able to wrap your head around it. You liking Dabi. Aki said he was to come back yet, so he must be out, you figured. Aki's eyes shined with curiosity, she really wanted to know what was wrong.

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