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Any big side kicks OC's or villain and heroes OC's i make i end up falling in love with. That inclues you, Aki

Your entire face lit up at the seen of Dabi here. You were worried that he was going to get hurt or caught too. His glaze was raging with anger. It made your bright face turn into stone. You presume he isn't to mad, but the way he stared at you put you in awe.

"It's Dabi! Project (y/n)!" The big police man yelled to the group of the others.

You didn't want Dabi to get hurt. It was this or go with the police though. You saw how he set the cars on fire. You watched how the flames lit up the night sky. The police should be shocked by how Dabi did things, they instead were furious. One of the men had a gun held in his hand and shot at Dabi. You felt your heart skip a beat, your eyes growing into fear. Dabi gust blue fire at the bullet and burned it before it touched him. You were impressed. You were informed that Dabi was strong, and you took a very dangerously amount of liking toward it, but it was ten times cooler when you could stop a bullet or any type of threats by just your quirk. Dabi met his gaze to you. You shuttered from being under his glaze.

The police man the tension between you two, but was too scared to speak a word a about it. Dabi knew that he was staring, staring at something he shouldn't be staring at. He was irritated by the man's behavior. He fixed his gawk to the police officer. The officer's hands started to shake, with his gun in hand. The man shot again at his target, which as you knew was Dabi. He did the same thing as before, burn it up. This time he waited for the bullet to come closer to him so he could show he was not fearful. You were fearful though, you had so many questions in your head right now. You probably aren't worth rescuing, to much risk... You didn't want Dabi hurt.

Dabi set his fire onto the police man. You watched as he yelled in pain, the fire became to bright to handle soon so you turned away from the burning man. You felt a tiny bit of sorrow for the man that was on fire. You needed to stay strong, so you moved the thought of him away and saw Dabi's blue orbs. Once you met eyes with him it was like everything slowed down, and it was only you and Dabi still in real time. He walked on over to you, you stepped closer to him too. Dabi took your hand and held onto it. It was like peace at last. You and Dabi together...

"We need to go." Dabi spoke at last.

His eyes trailed down to your hand cuffs. "I can take care of those later."

You had red cheeks by those words. You tried to hide them by looking at the ground. "O-ok..." You said. Dabi didn't say anything for a moment, you peeled up to his face to see if something was wrong. His eyes were on the league of villain's building, where he had worked with Shigaraki and the others. There was a glimmer of dread in his eyes. Dabi let your hand fall out of his, and he walked to the building, without him ever turning to see you. He activated his quirk and lit the the whole thing on fire. You were shocked for a second, but it accrued to you that nothing good has happend since you had joined the league of villains.

Dabi and you roamed though a park. He placed your hand with his. You blushed the entire time as you followed him. You stopped to ask Dabi where he was going. "Where are you taking us?"

He flipped around his head to face you. "A friend's place." Was all he said before moesily on again.

It was night, and the only light source was the city lights from afar and the street one's. No police had be seen since the last encounter with them. You were glad about that, but there were other things to fear, like how Toga could still be somewhere around here. You gulped at the thought. A dog started barking suddenly, and scared you. You grabbed onto Dabi's shirt out of intimidation. He was concerned on why you grabbed his shirt. He didn't fear the barking.

"What's wrong?" Dabi asked.

It took you a moment to reply. "There was just a dog... it started barking... N-never mind. It was silly of me to get scared." You spoke in a shaky voice.

Dabi stared at you with concern still. He didn't believe that it was something completely silly. Arms were wrapped around you, you eyes shot way open as far as they could go. You hugged him back. You two hugged for a couple minutes until he let go of you. You were disappointed he moved his arms away, he was so warm. Dabi lead the way to his friends house. Where ever that was. You thought you had walked on forever without stopping, then you reached a house. It looked like any other regular house but guessing that Dabi knew this person it was going to be anything but normal. Dabi knocked on the door of the house. Noises were heard inside, you were sure someone was behind the door.

"Hello." Someone said as they peeled open the door. It was a girl with purple hair that went past her shoulders. "Oh! Dabi!" The girl turned to you with a curious look on her face. "Who's this?"

You glared at her with tiered eyes, you were so sleepy after all that had happend today. "This is (Y/N), or you can call her Viewer." Dabi introduced you. "Viewer this is one of my friends, Aki. Aki will let us stay here tonight." He informed you. You put a small smile on your face for this girl named Aki.

"I will?" She said, she sounded uncertain.

Dabi glanced at Aki and lifted his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I will." Aki seemed more certain this time.

Dabi's friend let you both inside. While Dabi told her the story about what had happend to the two of you, you explored her house. Aki had a nice house. And when you were at it you took a peek at the bedrooms of Aki's home and made an discovery. There was only two beds. You were pretty sure that the bigger one with posters all over it was Aki's, then the semi smaller one was the guest one.

You went to go find Dabi and the other girl again. They where still in the living room where you had left them. You were almost afraid to ask about the bed situation, there was so much stuff going on right now, was it right to bother Dabi and Aki with sleeping peroration. Instead you settled with. "When are we going to sleep?"

That got Dabi and Aki to notice you, you hoped that you weren't interfering with anything important.

"Oh! I just remembered! I only have two beds. Dabi your going to have to sleep with Viewer."

Your entire face lit up with red all over it. Me, him sleeping together? You paniced in your mind.

Dabi didn't look startled at all. "No. I can just sleep on the floor. I don't mind." He said.

Dabi!? sleeping on the floor?! A prince like him!? You paniced more harder this time.

"A-ah, no, no. It's alright you can... sleep with me." You didn't know if that was to comfort yourself your him.

Dabi shook his head. "No. I can-"

"I. Said. Sleep with. Me." You sounded more demanding then you wanted too. You blushed harder.

After that Dabi went quiet. Aki didn't say anything. All of you awkwardly went to bed. Aki sleeping by herself, while you and Dabi could sleep, Together. You moved under the covers of the blankets, you used the blanket to cover up your blushing face. Dabi got in next, right next to you. You tried to not to breathe harder then you already were.

By the time morning comes I can forget all about this... You told yourself ad you drifted off to dreamland.

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