In the movies

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I'm on the 6th vol of mha rn lol

You and Dabi dashed through the street as fast as you could. However fast a person with crutches can anyways. You were weary of being so close to Dabi, but you find quite hard to believe that he would consider to hurt you in any way right now. You realized how long it was going to take you two to get there in time, you were going to be shocked if you got there at all at this paced. Dabi's voice ran in your head, The heroes were at the league of villains place. They came for Broccoli Boy. It was funny because one: Dabi said the words Broccoli Boy, which could cure cancer by a guy like him saying that. A another reason being: why? Why the heck would you care if the heroes come for Shigaraki and the rest of their butts? They sure didn't seem to care or acknowledge the fact that Toga straight up stabbed you! This was probably one of Boss's stupid tests again for all you know.

You didn't give a shit of what happened to the league of villains. The reason you were heading there now was because two very different things. You wished to see Shigaraki's dumb face when he got caught red handed, then laugh at them hysterically. Another reason being if they do get caught they're probably gonna rat you out too. You and Dabi that is. You wanted to prevent that from happening.

A sudden idea came into your head. What is we steal a car? Now this sounded exciting to you, and you hoped that this idea would please Dabi too. "Oi, Dabi! Idea here, what if we steal a car?" You asked while running at full speed.

"You know how to do that?"

"No, but we could try."

"And waste time?" Dabi stopped to take in some air. "Yeah. I guess so."

Relieved, you stopped as well and stopped a blue car. You smiled, but this smile was made out of evil. You tracked down to it, knowing that the car was going to be clocked you were going to have to find a different way of opening it. "Hey, Dabi, think you can burn your way through this?" You asked him with pride that maybe you could actually hot wire a car.

Without answering he lit up his hand and fired at the window. He almost hit you with the burning hot fire, but you dodged just in time. You fell to the ground.


"Hey keep it down well ya? Do you want the police to hear you?" He asked without concern how he could've killed you! Toga didn't care, and Dabi didn't care. Villains must be numb to pity...

You jumped up from the ground and took a look at the car window that Dabi broke. There was a big hole in it now so you could reach in and unlock the doors. It went CLANK! When it unlocked. You pulled back the door handle and found out that your plan succeed! Step one did anyway. No telling if you'll be able to drive through town in a car with a broken window. Plus you're not even that good at driving. There was a reason you didn't own a car. Besides that you weren't able to afford it.

"Ah, Dabi do you want to drive..?" You asked him.

"I don't know how." Was what he replied with.

You had an uneasy feeling inside of you. You got into the driver sit anyway. You couldn't be sure that Dabi himself was capable of driving by the shape of his legs. Dabi headed in after you. Next part was to... hot wire the car? Just how the hell were you supposed to do that? You looked clear over your shoulder to Dabi to see if he had any bright idea's. He wasn't even paying attention! His head was in the back sit. Was he sick of your driven already? What a baby. You glanced back at the car floor. In the movies they ripped apart the flooring of the car right? Or was it...

"Looking for these?"

You glanced back back over your shoulder to see Dabi holding up a pair of keys. Car keys. "How did you..?" You began to speak but Dabi shhhed you. "Just get going. Shigaraki's gonna get mad sooner or later." He said. He handed over the keys to you and started the car up. The car went off. The distinction was the league of villains place. You were positive that driving with a window like yours was totally illegal. You knew for sure that driving without a license was appositely illegal. But you had to do it. For the villain's sake. It was really cool too. You watched a man burn, punched a kid in the face, even stool a car now.

That brought a beautiful smile onto your face. Dabi viewed as you cheerfully smiled in joy. Dabi sat there in his sit the whole time and just glared at you. You started speeding as time went on, ticking away, fastest ticking on the clock ever known by man kind. At last you had made it to the building. Don't say things never change, because things change. Kinda like how the building you saw just today was now whacked. As if it was going to fall over any moment. It wasn't long before you could hear the grunts of the villains and heroes fighting. You two stepped out of the car and into the war zone.

"Ah fuck." Dabi said, while expressing their situation perfectly. You couldn't have said it better. "Do you think you can use your quirk to see who's winning?"

You peered up at Dabi. You focused on nothing, again like the rest of the times. CLANG! You heard all of the sounds you didn't wish to hear. Bottles were being knocked on to the floor, shattering everywhere. Shigaraki was decay, was as you could image he was decaying everything. He even tryed to aim for one of the heroes head's. He missed tho. Disappointed that you weren't able to see some action, the villains team seemed to be losing. Great! Just the type of crap we need! You thought to yourself miserly.

You snapped out of the vision again. Dabi was still next to you. "Ah... Boss is losing." Was what you could afford to say. Dabi didn't look to surprised, even though he doesn't exactly express his emotions like anyone else does. "Figures." He said. Figures? You stool a car for him to say... Figures?

"What. The. Hell." You said spacing your words out. "What is wrong with you? Don't you see? We could be helping them right now! But instead your over here! Figures! If I didn't know better I would think you didn't really care for the league of villains at all!" You shouted at him.

He peered at the ground. It had felt like 200 years before he finally moved his head back up to you, and faced you. He said, "Your right. Let's do something."

Then you stood there, with nothing to say to this demon of a man.

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