Toga's blood

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Now this title...hits different in newer chapters...

Your fingers twitched. Toga was the person who did this, wasn't she? This was unbelievable! You should have killed her when you had the change. Regret came into your heart. This actually wasn't unbelievable, nor should you have killed her. Yes, you wanted to head straight about this, but inside you knew it would only make things worse.

"No, I never said that... Toga did." You said to them calmly. Even though in the inside there was a war going on inside your head.

Toga must of used her quirk to impersonate me! With the blood that came off of the knife. You told yourself. Her legs are weak, so where ever she is now, she isn't far.

You went over to a sit and sat down on it. Seeing if it could make you process your thoughts better. It helped a little, not a whole lot, it was greater then nothing. You sighed. You became paranoid that she had your body, looks, and appearance. Toga was easily able to do whatever she wanted to do with it. Rob a bank, steel candy from a baby, or worse, make the league of villains believe you want to quit. That's the last thing you want. This was everything you looked forward to after all...

"So you think Toga did this, huh?" Asked Shigaraki from the distance.

You waited before speaking. "Y-yes. I know she did." You refused you look at him. Your eyes wondered to the top of the counter. "Why would she do that? All Toga said was that you two got into a fight, and you were sick of having people get hurt all the time." He exclaimed.

You took his words into concentration. Toga hated you as much as you despised her. Toga was something to fear, not to encourage. Dabi had to see that too right? Shigaraki also had to see the misfortune Toga brings them. Her quirk was useful, and the blond was a good fighter to, but was she really someone you needed to keep around? The league of villains can live without her.

"I think we should remove her from the league of villains. For good." You declared to them.

"I need Toga for my plan tho. With the boy, they have to come back soon for him, if not tonight. She'll be back. On our side too." Informed Shigaraki.

"Toga hurt me! She could do it again... Even kill me if she wanted to." You plead.

"Viewer, you new. Do you think I'm going to choose Toga who's part of my idea, or you who've I hardly got to known."

"Then know me!" She screamed at him.

Then and there you were scared, frighten even. You didn't want to lose. Nevertheless Toga to win. You still had to get back at that... bastured who made Dabi go on crutches! You felt hot and alone. You recognized that you were only taking in short, heavy breathes, then you knew you had to clam down again. You can't have a panic attack over this.

"Just deal with Toga until after Shigaraki's plan." Dabi suggested to you.

When Dabi spoke up you just forgot everything you were worrying about like nothing. You had a warm feeling in your chest. You were blushing a little. You never met anyone like him before, and you doubted that anyone could be like him. He was spacial, a hero could see that. You hated having to do this, but it was the right thing to do.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, boss..." You apologized to him.

Shigaraki said not a word back. Either did anyone in the room. You stared down awkwardly on the back of your hands. "That was everything, boss." Then you got to your feet again. Toga probably isn't at my house, she was here after all. So she should be anywhere but near there. It'll be safe and I'll be able to take care of my arm. You began to think to yourself. You walked pass Dabi and turned the doorknob. As you were just about to leave, something stopped you. He stopped you. It Dabi who was stopping you. "Ah, I'll walk you home." He told you as he rolled his flaming blue eyes the other way from you.

"But your legs are bad. Shouldn't you be resting?" You asked him before leaving the building completely.

As you strolled on by, leaving the villains and whatever they were doing by them self, you made sure not to walk to fast, nor to slow to make it obvious that you were walking slower then usual. You hadn't been sure if he would get mad or not. Dabi glanced at you. "You can go ahead of me." He uttered barely enough to be heard.

A light blush came across your cheeks. You diverted your vision to somewhere else. You did tend to speed up after he had confirmed that it would be fine if you were to do so. You checked once in a while to see if he was still following, and he always was. A small grin came along your face. You were walking with Dabi on a nice warm day. Take back the nice part tho, it was more frustrating then nice. It reminded you about the first time you and Dabi walked together like this, it was a good feeling. Even if he was on crutches. You glanced up and saw your apartment.

"Ah... I guess you can go home to then." You said, trying to hide the tone of sadness in your voice.

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you kidding? What if she is still in there?"

Then Dabi said she, you knew that meant Toga. By Toga he meant what the hell is wrong with you, what if she tries to kill you? You slightly nodded. You could see that he had a point, you don't want to die just yet.

"Ok, but I'm fine by myself to." You stared at him with beamy eyes.

As you and Dabi patrolled on over to your door you got a weird feeling in your stomach. Kinda felt like you were going to throw up. You gulped it down. You could tell that Dabi got the weird feeling to by the look on his face. You waited a second to open up the door. The apartment was silent, but you still didn't trust it. You turned your head to side to side to be posited that no soul was in here. It was quiet, dead quiet. This made you more scared. What is Toga was still in your house dead? That would mean that you murdered somebody, you never wanted that for somebody... You just became annoyed by her, that's all. You stepped onto the kitchen floor, Dabi behind you. There was blood. Toga's blood wasn't the only thing that was there tho.

"Hello, (Y/N)."

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