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I wonder if this story will get popular here on wattpad...or if it'll forever be best know on quotev :P

You could hear the door slam shut when Aki returned.

"I'm back!" She shouted through the house while kicking off her shoes.

Aki glanced around warily, not seeing anyone in the room, and was very quiet for four people to be there too.

You and Touya were shut up when she had came back. Your boyfriend was talking about Shigaraki and some other stuff too. You had forgotten about how Aki left for food. You soon got to your feet and ran to the living room to see her still shifting her head side to side, that was until her eyes had met with you.

"Oh!" She streaked. "I didn't see you there. I thought you all might've left for a walk..."

A small laugh came out of your mouth. When you stopped you heard the dead silence. Shigaraki and Kurogiri were gone, nowhere in sight. You gave a confused look at Aki.

The women just shrugged her shoulders and went back to carrying the food into her home. You began helping her with that. You were worried where the two villains have gone and ended up thinking about what they could be doing instead of focusing on your task. Though you kept telling yourself that it was fine.

Aki's ring tone began to call in her pocket. She picked up the phone and answered as she usually did. You didn't pick up the owner of the voice until after some time, then you acknowledge that it was Shoto who called her. You didn't really want to listen in on their conversation, since it was none of your business. Aki said yes to everything he was saying, you didn't know what she was agreeing to but she sounded happy about it.

You put the last of the groceries in the fridge as your friend ended the phone call. Aki had a big smile on her face. You were going to ask why, but she answered your thought just then.

"Eraser Head is going to come over!" She yelled.

Your (e/c) eyes widened with shock. A nervous feeling made its way to the bottom of your stomach and was making their way to your heart to attack. Touya came out of the bedroom at the news of this. No one was as happy as her when the truth went around.

"He's coming over? Lock him out. He's not getting in here." Touya didn't want another hero to come here only to decide that he wanted us in prison.

You didn't like the idea of Eraser Head coming to her house either. The idea of locking him out was probably not going to work though. You knew who the hero was, and just picture him breaking it down if he felt the need to.

"Oh, come on! Shoto said-"

"I don't give a fuck about what Shoto said!" Touya cut off her words. "There's no way I'm getting caught!" The former villain yelled angrily.

I don't think it's gonna be that bad. Shoto wouldn't set up a trap for us. You undoubtedly know the teenager wouldn't have you or Touya arrested. That would go against him and what he's saying. Shoto isn't like that.

You grabbed a hold of your boyfriend's hand because that always seemed to calm him down. And it worked. His blue eyes traveled over to your (e/c) ones.

"It'll be ok, Touya." You said while staring at him.

Touya let out a huff and pulled his hand away from yours. He crept back into his room, and shut the door, quietly with a clink. You sighed. Eraser Head couldn't be that bad.

Time skip^^

It was closer to six now. Eraser Head should be here any minute, and yes, Icy hot will be coming too. Aki was cooking up something to eat in her kitchen. Steam rose up from the pan that she was using. You think it was spaghetti. Might be wrong. She was finishing it up, and it smelled good too. You convinced Touya that having the hero over won't end him up behind bars. You gave Shoto's word on it.

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