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3 more chapters left... 3 MORE CHAPTERS LEFT!!!

Well, here you are. Sitting at the beach, waves rolling up on the shore, relaxing. What was even more relaxing was that your boyfriend was right beside you. Both of you sitting on the sand together. You loved the picture just in your mind, but now that it's really happening felt unreal. These were happy times. Of course you and Touya still have to find jobs. That will come later though, right now you were to busy being swept away from reality. There was a small smile planted on your face, his as well.

Though, you'll have to come back to reality just to see that you need a house, more food is an obvious need to have, and over all you guys just need more money. You feel the need to lay here at the beach, with Touya instead of any of all those totally unless thoughts like getting a job and such. You'd rather just lay here, head on Touya's shoulder staring at the water for your little date.

The fire user kissed the top of your forehead. The whole thing felt magical, yes, the kiss he left on your forehead too.

"Are we going to sit here and stare at the water all day?" Your boyfriend dared to break the peace.

You shut your (e/c) eyes lazily. "I hope so. This is the most fun I've had in forever." Excitement somewhere in your tone.

He chuckled. "Sure." He managed to reply sleepily.

And so you two continued to stay in your positions. That was until a couple minutes passed. Then you know you were going to have to get up and really do something besides acting like the two of you were on vacation.

Touya hand shot out after he stood up. "Come on."

You took ahold of his hand and helped yourself up. You both made your way back to your hotel room. It wasn't far, only across the street.

The hotel was tall and a light brown. It looked fine, fine enough to sleep in. You stepped into the tall building with your boyfriend holding onto your hand. You were greeted by one of the workers who were by the decks. Touya and you waved, finding the elevator right next to you. The room you slept in was 310, so you had a balcony on the third floor shared with Touya. It was a pretty nice room.

Once you had gotten there, you jumped on the bed, laying there. Touya smirked.

"What are you doing?"

You only groaned in response. You were far to tired to speak with the man.

He poked at your figure. "Answer me." His voice was playful

"Tired." Was the only thing he could get out of you.

Touya got on the hotel bed and laid down beside you, facing you. His sweet smile planted on his patched face. You thought it was the cutest thing ever. And again, relaxing. You both stayed like that for some time, gazing in to one another's eyes. You forgot what time it was... Sometime in the evening... You couldn't get your mind to put anything else together... The two of you fell fast asleep.

Crap... The first thing you thought of, crap. Why? Well, Touya's phone was ringing. Ringing with Shoto's name on the screen. You have to answer. It would be terribly rude not to since he went through all that work for you. Another thing, it was 9 now. 9 at fricking night. Your never going to get sleep tonight, you took such a long nap!

You grabbed your boyfriend's phone anyway to talk with his little brother.

"Hello? Icy hot?"

It was quiet and a muffled for a second. Then he spoke: "Can you stop calling me that?" His voice sleepy. You didn't even notice, you were to tired yourself to hear it.

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