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I am listeing to eyes BlUe like ThE AtLaNtic~ no its not spelled like that, thats just me being me

It was something like 4:00 in the morning that you stopped shedding tears completely. You and Dabi's passed out body were still on the ground together. You felt something warm placed on your shoulder. It was a hand, Twice's covered hand to be exact. You stared at him, and you knew that he was glaring back at you to from the tension.

"What do you want?" You asked. Your voice was muffled from snot, and you could barely even make out what you had said when you heard your voice.

It took Twice a couple minutes to translate what you said, by he did it by surprise. "We're going to go soon." He said in a nice calm voice. Sadness grow back onto your face. "But what about Dabi?" You asked before you were even equatable to think.

"Don't worry, I'll carry him." He reassured you.

You sighed after he spoke. But a thousand thoughts came in after that, Where is he going to go? Does he have girlfriend? Wait, does he have a house? Are we going to get married? And a bunch of others.

Twice walked on over to Dabi, bent over and put him up like a little princess. You watch as he went back the way he came before, and began to follow him to. You walked about 3 or 4 steps slower then he did. You spun your head around to see that Shigaraki and Kurogiri were behind you two, or three counting Dabi. You returned your glaze back to Dabi's handsome sleeping face. Seeing him so peaceful made you put a small smile on your face.

Once you got back to the league of villains place Kurogiri said: "I can't believe we didn't use a portal to get here." Everyone turned to met his glaze.


"You didn't ask me to. AND STOP SCREAMING AT ME!"

While Kurogiri and Twice were arguing about shit and portal's you ran to Dabi, that was now on the floor. You got on your knees and looked at him in the face. Some of his dark hair was in his face and eyes, you took your hand and gentley moved it out of his face for him. Then you stared at him. Dabi had a beatiful face indeed. You wished that he could open his eyes so then you could see his flaming blue eyes again. But who knows when the next time could possibly be.

"He looks like he's rough shape."

You glanced up at Mr. Compress who was sitting on a chair by the counter. "He is." You softly replied then returned your glaze back to Dabi. You never thought that anyone could even be this tierd. You forgot all your other worries about Dabi and yourself. Right now the only thing on your mind was sleep... You had closed your eyes after that, thinking you would just rest them, but the resting turned into a nap and the nap turned into sleeping. In other words you fell fast asleep.

You had awoken by at your apartment building. Not on your bed but on your bedroom floor. Ugh... Why is the floor made out of floor? You asked yourself silently. You looked around to see if anyone was there or if the league of villains had just dumped you there. Of course you wouldn't have minded if they had left, this was your house and you didn't really need to have anyone else in it. Luckily not a soul was there. Not a soul. You got up from laying on the floor. Besides the floor isn't as nearly as conformable as your bed had been.

How the hell did they get into my house? You pondered around in your mind.

You stumbled across your room for a while to get out of your room. You opened the door handle of your bedroom door and looked through out your living room and saw nobody again. That made you happy and disappointed at the same time. You wanted to see Dabi again! Dammit!

"It's what ever..." You said out loud.

You walk into the kitchen to get something to eat for breakfast. You pull out milk from the fridge and grab your favourite kind of cereal. You were too lazy to actually make something for breakfast. You took a sit at your kitchen table and started to eat in peace, trying hard not to think about what happend last night. Though you did surprised yourself by pushing Bakugou. You smiled at the thought. What you tryed not to think about was Dabi. You couldn't bear worrying about him any longer, even though you still did anyway.

You arouse from sitting to take care of your bowl of cereal. And You washed the dishes. Once you were done you were going to take a shower, but you stubbed your little toe on your way there. "Ouch!" You shouted. "Stupid piece of-" You stopped as you were about to say shit! But you noticed that Toga was sitting on your couch. Toga also had a knife with her in her hand.

"Why, hello there!" She said with a nice, creepy smile on her face.

"What do you want?" You ask her. Although you could of just kicked her out of your house, but you didn't because you needed to hear what this idiot had to say to you.

"Wow, I would have thought you would have been more nicer since I was the one who carried you here." She laughed at the end of the sentence.

You cringed at her. "Don't you ever touch me... Bitch!"

You didn't want to mention that you were running out of insults.

"Well I did. And I would proudly do it again!" She got up from your couch and headed straight turns you with the knife.

Ah, crap. Not this again! You say in your thoughts. What's a girl gotta do to get a shower around here?

You sigh. A heartbeat later you run back to the kitchen to get a knife to, or at least something to defend yourself with against Toga. Toga walked slower then you, almost like she was giving you a head start. Which you liked kinda. You picked up a knife, it wasn't as sharp or long as hers was but it would do. A sound of a knife dragging down the wall was being made.

"Heyyy Viwerrr, I've got a fun game to play with you! It's called tag!"

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