Shigaraki and Kurogiri

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Fun fact: I almost NEVER reply to dm's. like lol sorry i dont have time for wanna be's- jkjk

You eventually fell fast asleep on Touya's shoulder. Touya ended up falling asleep as well next to you. You were woken up by a gust of wind in your face and a noise. You couldn't tell what it was since you had woken up such a short time ago, waiting for your ears to adjust and wake up completely you yawned along with rising your arms up above your head. You peered over to your side to see sleeping Touya, you gotta say he does look pretty cute when he's asleep. Messing with his dark black hair you remembered that nose you heard earlier. You whipped your head around to the entrance of the cave that you had slept in, you didn't hear the noise anymore.

Perhaps I was only imagining it. You thought.

You turn back over to Touya's sleeping face, he still looked so cute! You went back to playing with his hair, it was softer than you thought it would be. Next you ran your hand over his stitches, they were rough as you imagined they would be, they made him look kinda hot though if you had to admit. Touya's eye lids flapped open so you could now see his sparkling blue eyes which you love. You smiled at your lover, he winked back at you, making you blush up a bit.

"How are you baby?" He asked sweetly.

"Oh, I'm fine." You spoke in a shyer voice because of his choice of words. "How did you sleep?" You ask trying to be less shy this time.

Touya didn't speak for a few moments. "It was great for the most part. Besides that you made my shoulder go numb." He said calmly.

You moved your head down, avoiding his eyes. "Sorry... I didn't mean to." A hint of sadness in your voice.

Touya didn't seemed to be moved by your apology. "Sorry? What for? It's fine, (Y/N). You looked cute sleeping on my shoulder." He had a goofy smile on his face while he said that.

His words made you feel a little bit better about your behavior. You glared up to him once more, seeing his warm eyes made you feel at home even though you truly weren't. Touya kissed your lips, he gave you a slow kiss before letting go again. Something echoed throughout the cave, it was probably the noise from before you knew it. You can't identify what on earth it is, scratching your bottom of your head you can't think of what it could be. But maybe, just maybe it was... a animal? Wait no, you don't need to scare yourself now. Trying to stay clam, you began to focus on something else other than... you know... that.

Touya turned his head turns the entrance as well, so you knew you weren't making this noise up in your head. The noise did sound as if it was getting closer. The fear of a animal coming to get you was still boiling inside you. Touya got up on his two feet, stepping through the cave to the beginning of it where the noise is being heard. You stood up as well but slower then him since you weren't too excited to figure out what the noise is really coming from. He came to the sunset lit grass outside of the shelter you two slept in. There was a slight breeze before a person grabbed a hold of your boyfriend.

You peered over at him, mouth agape. It wasn't a dangerous person at all, it was only... Shigaraki and Kurogiri? Shigaraki was the one who grabbed a hold of Touya, but just to catch his fall. He must've tripped. Shigaraki got back on his own two feet, Kurogiri stood by watching him closely.

"Shigaraki! Kurogiri! What are you doing here?" You waved at the newcomers.

The blue haired male brushed off his shoulders before speaking. "Coming to find you." Kurogiri changed his view to both of you. "What are you doing out here anyway? We over heard that you two ran this way and Toga jumped from a window... Is this what happens when I'm gone?" He said the last 7 words in a more serious tone.

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