On the run

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I hate that "add in line media" tab. Does any one know how to get rid of it?

P.s: i misspelled circle and corrected it, does that still count as editing it?

You stood very still. The sirens from the police cars got louder, and you knew that the noise was coming for you, or Dabi, or worse, both of you. "How did they find us?" Dabi blunted. You were just as shocked as him, how did they? The police probably tracked your phone or something like they do, you figured. The police came into the parking lot, some got out of their vehicles with guns. Dabi that was infont of you was now leading behind you, his arms were apart from his body a little. "Hey, SHOP RIGHT THERE!" One of the men shouted.Crap, You thought. How do I get out of this one? Your eyes burned, your face was hot, and you had no idea what to do. Dabi gripped a hold of your wrist again, but this time it was the other that didn't hurt, which you were thankful for. Dabi however was faster then you, so it was kinda hard it keep up with him. Since he had never been here before, or at least you think he hasn't, you or him had not a clue were you were going. You guys have absolutely no idea were to head. You tryed to think, were was a good place to hide when the police were coming after you? You really didn't think about this much. But you remembered something, somewhere to hide. "Hey Dabi!" You cry out while both still running. "What is it?" He came back with, slightly turned his head to glaze at you, but not enough to see his face. "I know of somewhere to hide." You went on. "It's this way, come on." You yank out wrist and start running a diffrent way. You head his footsteps behind you as you ran into a dark space. Inbetween the apartments were small gaps that you and him could manage to fit in. And inside these gaps were ladders, ladders that lead into the roof top. Hopefully the police officers didn't know about this, or your plan. This would work for now untill you had a better idea. "We gotta climb." You say as you point up to the roof. "Up there?" Asks Dabi. "Are you sure?" You turn to him with a very serious expression on your face. Of course you were sure, surer then anything in your life. But not if you two keepted staining there huddled together. "You go first, I have a more powerful quirk." He lit up his hands with bright blue fire, that looked really cool. You went back to thinking tho on his words then on his cool fire quirk. He said he had a more powerful quirk, which he did yes, but did Dabi also just call you weak? That insulting son of a bitch. I'm gonna show him! "Hey, Dabi maybe you should go first. I mean like-" Dabi whirled around to face you. "Shop wasting time and get up there!" He snapped up at you. Yes you liked being cared about and taking care of yourself, but you wanted to help Dabi this time, not sit up on the roof, not even sure he'll come up to. Tho, you didn't want to make the dark spiked haired man upset by disobeying his orders. So you being you, finely now was the perfect time to use your quirk of yours. You ignored everything by you, Dabi even. You needed to conatrate for your power to work. Then you saw it, your quirk was working. From your quirk you were able to see police cars, many cars fairly well. You didn't know who's vision you had on, but you knew that they were a officer. You couldn't see clearly yet, but you could see that the officer was looking around, probably trying his or her best to find you two. You also could see blue flames from their vision, blue flames from Dabi. Dabi basically gave away your guys' location by using his quirk so close and so soon. You snapped out of your quirk to see what the hell Dabi was doing. You spun around to see him, he was just working his quirk, almost making a circle around both of you. "Dabi what are you doing!?" You shout. Again, how stupid can he be? Or how stupid can boys be anyway? Giving away their location like that... " What? I'm trying to signal the league." He said while he still continued to set stuff on fire. Then he added: "Why aren't you up there yet?" He gave a disproving look at you. You decided to give him a disgusted look back. "Like I was going to leave you down here. I used my quirk and I know there going to find us now!" You shouted once more. You heard the police on the other side of the fire. If the league was going to come, you hoped they were going to come soon. Then you saw Dabi climbing up the ladder, step by step he was getting closer to the top. Each apartment building was about two stories high, so neither of them were going to be super fast while going up. You weren't sure if this was even legal to be doing, but at this point you nor Dabi cared. Tho, you didn't actually know if Dabi cared at all if things were legal or not, he just did it anyway. Guess It's part of being a villain. You wandered off to your thoughts. He was about half way up the ladder when you joined in on going on up. You could hear all the noise's and people, even with crackle of Dabi's fire. Both of you joined at the top of the roof, and stared at each other. As awkward as it sounds, which was very awkward, you two Indored it. "That fire should keep them held off for a little while. But they also could have helicopter's." Informed Dabi. That sended a shiver down your spine. "Oh, look! It's our friends!" Toga said while holding up a knife. "Toga, what took you soon long?!" Dabi more or less yelled. She just gave him a weird look on her intimidating face. "Well, if it wasn't for-" She got interrupted by someone you choudn't see. "Yes, yes, we all know, Toga." Then up came a man covered in an black suit with grey stripe's on it. It was the villain that went by the name Twice.

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