Sigurd: "I was a bastard... Chances of me becoming king where slim, even if my brother was the only one who died, my father would still keep the throne but now? I'm facing a responsibility I don't know how to face." He says turning back to his human form.

Dante: "you don't think you're worthy for the title." He says as Sigurd nods while Dante places the flat end of his cane against Sigurd's chest. "I'll just say this, your father before he was king had your exact thought process but he dealt with it and was the best King Newcastle had in years."

Sigurd: "and how am I supposed to live up to that?" He asks with no faith in himself.

Dante: "you can't." As Sigurd looks up at him surprised as he was expecting the whole you can do it speech. "Legacies once set in stone aren't meant to be surpassed, you have to form your own legacy Sigurd." He says standing up while offering his hand. "The question is... Is your legacy gonna be one of running away from responsibility or facing it head on?" He asks as Sigurd thinks about this but accepts his help.

Sigurd: "where am I supposed to begin? I'm not ready for that position." As Dante nods agreeing that he isn't.

Dante: "you can stay here as long as you wish till you complete your training but don't think you have to uphold that burden alone... A certain may be able to help." He says as Sigurd sighs while shaking his head.

Sigurd: "I feel like I'm being set up for a marriage." He says earning a soft chuckle from Dante.

Dante: "I meant ask for advice from Lyra, from what I can tell, she'll be a very capable ruler once her father kicks the bucket." He says as Sigurd thinks about this for a second.

Sigurd: "thanks for the- advice." He says seeing that Dante is nowhere to be found as he sighs a bit. "Weirdo." He says to himself when he hears soft humming and sees Lyra leaning against a wall reading a book Elyria lended her. "You got a minute?" He asks as Lyra glances up at him as her smile is a welcome sight.

Lyra: "that depends, what do you wish of me?" She asks closing the book as Sigurd sighs quietly.

Sigurd: "hypothetically speaking, what advice would you give me if I was to become King of Newcastle?" He asks as Lyra chuckles finding the question to be humorous.

Lyra: "Sigurd himself asking for advice, Michal would definitely be rolling on the ground if he heard that." She jokes as Sigurd crosses his arms with clear annoyance. "Well for starters, show the other lords that your intentions are pure and that you have their best interests at heart, people loved Michal for that very reason... He would've been a great King had he lived." She states as Sigurd can't help but notice the admiration.

Sigurd: "you truly admired him didn't you?" He asks as Lyra nods.

Lyra: "you're not soo bad yourself Sig but Michal? He was the first love of my life... And before I met him I dreaded the idea of an arranged marriage." She says as Sigurd can't help but wonder about something.

Sigurd: "but what's next for you?"

Lyra: "honestly? Become Queen and begin changing Aelton for the better... Such as not restricting the populace of magic, if they earn themselves a permit and then a license they can use magic if needed." As Sigurd can already see potential problems with that. "I can see the problems as well but if people are given a chance to use magic when they have to? It's worth it." She says looking away.

Sigurd: "it's admirable, but don't expect everyone to be on board." He says as Lyra nods understanding. "No marriage for you?" He asks earning a soft chuckle from Lyra.

Lyra: "I think I can go without love for a bit, just a bit... You ever have anyone take your bed?" She asks in a teasing manner as Sigurd is stammering through his words.

Sigurd: "I mean not particularly..." As. Lyra pressures him asking why. "I uh... It just never came to my mind." He says as Lyra doubts this. "Hey you asked and I answered." He says with sass earning a chuckle from Lyra.

Lyra: "I know... I'm just surprised no one has ever came to mind, no one at all?" She asks as Sigurd looks to side.

Sigurd: "when your whole life was nothing but being feared? It's not exactly something women are interested in dealing with and even if they were? It was better if I kept my distance." He says calmly as Lyra can't help but respect him for saying that.

Lyra: "well... I'm certain a woman will come stumbling into your arms someday." She says touching his shoulder comforting him. "Plus your brother was wrong about you being a careless beast." She says as Sigurd stares into her amber feeling reassured.

Sigurd: "you honestly believe that?" He asks just wondering as Lyra nods while giving a warm smile. "I... Thanks." He says quietly as Lyra chuckles to herself.

Lyra: "I didn't quite get that, what was that?" She asks teasing as Sigurd lowers to her repeating himself as Lyra can't help but feel embarrassed with Sigurd being this close.

Sigurd: "I'll leave you be princess." He says taking his leave as Lyra can't help but feel like Michal was entirely wrong about Sigurd as she gets an idea calling out to Sigurd.

Lyra: "um... Michal gave me a gift to remember him by, I think you deserve way more than me." She says holding out an exquisite necklace with magical engravings throughout the steel and a turquoise gem as Sigurd examines the very fancy jewelry.

Sigurd: "are you positive? My brother was the love of your life was he not?" He questions feeling as though he can't accept this.

Lyra: "he was... But you're his brother, it should stay in the family and besides? Maybe when you grow a pair you can give this to a woman you've come to love." She says with a smirk knowing that Sigurd is annoyed by her sense of humor.

Sigurd: "Are you supposed to be motivating me or insulting me?" He asks earning a chuckle from Lyra.

Lyra: "think of it as a mixture of both Sig." She says placing the necklace in Sigurd's hand and takes her leave.

Sigurd (mind): "women... I fail to understand them like you did dear brother but I can see why you loved Lyra." He thinks while shaking his head and pocketing the necklace.

Author's note: hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you need please leave a vote and comment

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