20 | Caim is freaking stubborn

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"Ohh now you remember me," I asked him once he pulled away from the hug.

Lucas looked a little guilty and I know it was something to do with the reason why Caim was missing school. I can really see the tension, it was so thick. I know I was being hard on both of them but they have no right to make me worry like that and if this happens again at least I will make sure that they give me a little detail of what is happening.

"Mili, look I'm sorry about how I behaved the other day," Lucas said, he looked sincere but I can't just forgive him like that maybe a little prank will make him regret doing that. I laughed internally at my evil plan.

"Whatever," I said before walking away from the pair of best friends.

"Mili, wait, I'm seriously sorry" Lucas trailed behind me and I giggled when Ailee told me that Caim is also tagging along with his best friend.

I pulled out my phone and placed it on my ear, "Hey, yeah I'll be there-" my phone was snatched by Lucas.

"What do you think you're doing?" I raised my brows at him, he gulped but didn't gave my phone back

"It was not even ringing," he said in frustration and I smiled, jackpot.

"So, people can talk even if there's no one on the other line," I said and smirked.

"How is that even po-" his eyes widened and he looked at me when he realised what I did, his face was once again morphed into a guilt-ridden one.

"I know what you are trying to do and I am sorry that I ignored you for days but I couldn't do anything, it was my only option" he stepped a little closer and whispered, so the others cant hear.

"It was a confidential situation and I had to keep it a secret, Caim told me not to tell you" he said like we were in some kind of detective movie and he can't share anything to others or he will die and when he mentioned Caim my eyes flew to meet the blue orbs and he stiffened.

In a swift motion, I was back into Caim's arms and Lucas was standing there with a dumbfounded expression.

"What did he say," Caim asked and hold me closer to him, his hand snaked around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest. My hands landed on his hard chest as I tried to push him but his muscles were not helping.

"Nothing," I said staring straight into his eyes. I never knew eye contact can be this lethal.

" Why are you testing me?, you know what, fuck it," Caim said before lifting me from the ground and carrying me god knows where. I waved at my friends when they all winked and smirked at me.

We were walking towards the second floor which has the library and I knew he was taking me there. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his chest. He hissed a little and i looked up at him for any sign of discomfort but when I found none I again got comfortable.

We finally reached the library and to my luck, the librarian was busy stacking the books in the front aisle to even notice us. He quickly walked towards the back behind the bookshelves where no one can see us.

Putting me down he snaked his arms around me and buried his face in my neck.

"Why are you doing this" it came out a little muffled due to his face in my neck, his breath tickled my neck that caused a gush of red to fill my cheeks. I felt overall hot, he was so close, our bodies were aligned together, every crevice was moulded perfectly into each other.

"Where were you?" I simply asked the question I was dying to know since he vanished last week. I don't want to know what he was doing, I just want to know where he was.

CaimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora