Chapter 76- Beware of the dog

Start from the beginning

I jump out of the red '86 Mazda RX-7 convertable as it parks. "Come on Clifton!" I say slamming the door shut. "I want to grab this and get out!"

In case you're wondering, Clifton is a guy from my school. He became my best friend when we moved to LA, and happens to live next door. He has dark black hair, and glasses that frame his deep brown eyes. He is pretty muscular in a dancer way (since he's a dancer, of course). He has medium chocolate skin that is absolutley gorgeous, with his perfect white teeth. And not only that--just like Michael, he's a Jehoviah Witness. He's really sweet and classy and--

"Eww gross, Winnie. You don't like him. Boys are gross, and selfish pigs." I say to myself as I shake my head fast.

His sister drove us to my house, and we decided to ride our bike's to Tatiana's so I can pick up a dress she's letting me borrow for the school dance.

I can't believe she's your sister..." he says as we jog up the drive.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I say looking over at him glaring.

"It means-" he says breathing slightly heavy as we get to the door. "That I can't believe you're related to her and know-- she's amazing." he says as I look at him feeling a pang of jealousy hit my throat. I swallow it down as I roll my eyes.

"Whatever..." I scoff as I walk to the door. I look down at my purse searching for her house key.

"It's already open..." he says as I look up startled.

"What?" I say as I looked at the door seeing it cracked. I furrow my eyebrows slightly as I open it slowly as we walk in. Clifton takes a step and stops as something cracks under his feet. He stops and moves his foot seeing broken, shattered glass on the floor.

"O-oh my..." I can't get the words out as we look around. The rooms that made Parisian Hotel's look like nothing....were now in shambles. Furniture was destroyed, the house was spray painted with words that would make Jesus weep.

"What happened?" he says breaking the shocked silence as we walk through the house.

"I-I don't know.." I say as we walk through the house slowly. "I-I don't think they stole anything...they look like they just screwed the house up." I say shakily as I grip my curls in shock. "Tati's gonna flip...she's gonna flip the fuck out."

"No kidding.." he mutters as he looks at the picture of her on a wall with "Die Bitch" painted across it.

"Let's g-go to look upstairs, and see if they took anything." I say as he nods slowly. I curse softly under my breath as I go the steps.

They seriously thought this thing you go up the steps they sharpied them saying "Beware of the Bitch." Like those "Beware of the Dog" signs.

Clever, but disgusting.

As we go in her bedroom, it's of course in a total wreck, the furniture turned over and everything.

"Do you want me to look for anything?" Clifton asks as I look around the room with a completed disgust.

"Yeah-- can you look in the bedroom down the hall? She has a jewelry box down there. Just see if it's there, and bring it back. I'll just take some of the valuable stuff home...." I say as I pick things up off the floor fuming as he walks out down the hall.

I sigh as I try to pick clothes off the floor going in a trance.

Seriously, when will this drama end? It's like I'm living in a a Patrick Swayze movie, mixed with Chuckie, then with one of those lame soap opera's mom watches. Like seriously car accidents, love triangles, babies? Only in the life of Tatiana.

Suddenly Clifton darts in the room fast closing the door as my attention snaps back to him. His eyes widen as he breathes heavily.

"Someone is downstairs..." he whispers as loud noises come from downstairs. I feel my heart racing as we look at eachother panicked.

"What should we--?" I begin to whisper and stops as the noise starts on the other side of the door. Clifton and I immediately dart under the bed.

"I can't believe you got them like this.." a female voice giggles as I furrow my eyebrows listening closely.

"Are you kidding? I told you I'd fix the bitch." she as my eyes widen as recognizing the voice.


I look over at Clifton who adjusts his glasses squinting his eyes listening.

"I just have to take that secruity tape out. We can go." Rachel says as we hear footsteps. I just don't know where her secruity room is at.

My head darts up and I look at Clifton. "I have to get that tape first." I whisper to him. "If I don't-- the police won't believe if she did it or not." I whisper as his eyes widen shaking his head.

"Are you crazy? No. You can't do that..." he says in a panicked whisper. "She's might catch you, and who knows what she'll do then. She's wacked."

" stay here, wimp. I'll go in the rooom grab the tape, and we're out." I whisper softly as I start to climb out from under the bed.

"Are you--?! Get back here!" he says whispering loudly as I ignore him. I slowly slip out the door closing it behind me looking around. I look down the halls not seeing them in sight as I walk down them slowly.

Michael's POV

I swallow hard and fixes the ray bans hiding my eyes.

How can you possibly face a guy who is in love with the same woman you love?

I scowl at the thought then my heart drops. The thought of someone else loving her, besides me.  The thought of losing her to someone else infuriates me and kills me at the same time.

I shake my head stepping out the car fixing my jacket. I nervously look around making sure no one notices me.

"Did he really have to choose a place so public?" I think to myself in irritation as I dig my hands in my pocket walking into the Montage.

"Maybe it's better that we meet in public. That way, we can't kill each other  , or I won't be tempted to rattle his teeth out." I think bitterly feeling my cheeks grow slightly red furrowing my eyebrows lightly.

I don't get mad, or think about violence at all, but that's my girl. And I'm going to make sure he knows it.

"How can I help you?" a hotel receptionist asks cheerily interrupting my thoughts. I meet her eyes and clears my throat looking down, from her curious stare.

"I-I'm looking for Mr. Paul Walker." I say lowly, my voice raspy in disguise.

"Oh Mr. Walker is at the bar, one of our bell boys can escort you." she nods smiling as I mumble a polite thank you, before hurrying away.

Moments later I'm walking into a bar, with soft music in the background and people talking. I search around the room and I see Paul staring at me with his cold blue eyes, my heart racing out of my chest in slight fear and mostly anger.


Yes, I'm continuing. I needed time to get my chill together, because honestly I was pissed at the time. Anyways, thank you for all the beautiful and sweet comments. You guys are such sweethearts and amazing human beings. Seriously don't change, and keep being sweet. <3 I love you guys and I tried to make this chapter long for you.




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