After three rings she picked up and her groggy voice greeted me.

"Why the fuck are you calling at this hour," Ailee yelled over the phone.

See, isn't she just charming.

"Why are you still sleeping and It's 6:30 in the evening. You idiot." I shouted and flinched when a loud thud was heard, she fell from her bed. Typical Ailee.

"What bitch, how can I sleep for 6 hours straight and my motherfucking brother doesn't wake me up, that moron." She was screaming and I bet all the neighbourhood could hear her loud voice.

"Well, aren't you sunshine and rainbow after waking up," I said referring to her non-filtered mouth.

"Shut up Mili, i'm serious. I had an appointment with my dentist for the monthly checkup and now my mom is going to kill me if she found out that I missed it" she said and by her voice, I could tell that she was terrified. Her mom, Sarrah Jacobs, is a very strict woman when it comes to her babies, a.k.a Ailee and her older brother Matt. She is super protective of them. If any one of them neglects their appointments with doctors she becomes furious and scolds their ears off. I first handed witnessed it when Ailee forgot to go to her doctor's appointment, Sarrah gave her an ear full until she apologized and started crying.

"What do I do?" She groaned and a thud was heard again, her falling in her bed face first, Typical Ailee.

"I hear a me problem here" I replied nonchalantly but smirked when I hear her bedroom door open.

"Ailee Julie Jacobs, why didn't you go to see the dentist" and the line went dead after that. Oh well, good luck Ailee, I giggled.

Taking out my books I started studying for my upcoming test, reviewing all the equation and answers which are important. I am a good student when it comes to grades and I like to keep up my reputation, so I study hard every day and score good grades to accomplish something. It makes me feel like i'm not worthless, I can study and score well which helps my self -esteem a lot.

After studying non-stop for 6 hours, I had all my assignments complete and I reviewed all the important chapters from every subject. My stomach was growling with hunger but I know there's nothing inside for me to eat, still, I went downstairs to check if there is something for me to diminish this hunger, dramatic ass. I laughed at my own joke and walked inside the kitchen and quietly started to shuffle around cabinets but like I predicted no food was in them. I huffed and started walking out when I saw something on the kitchen island, it was a plate, covered with another plate. I removed the plate and saw alfredo pasta, my favourite.

I was shocked to see my favourite dish, without thinking anything I shoved a spoonful of pasta in my mouth and almost cried at the homecooked meal. It was delicious, my mom cooks the best pasta in the world but then a thought suddenly struck, halting my movements. Does mom leave it for me?

Nah why would she do that she doesn't even like me. Maybe its the leftover. Yeah, that's it. But why is this plate served, I mean like someone is going to eat from it, just stop thinking and eat, you idiot.

My mind is a huge mess, I shoved everything aside and enjoyed the pasta, it was exactly how I remember. After eating and washing the dish I was satisfied. I walked back to my room and fell in bed to just sleep this tiring day off.

The next morning I woke up and did my routine for school. since Ailee is coming to pick me up I have plenty of time to make sure that I have all assignments which I have to submit today. I skipped down the stairs to saw no one. I got confused and went inside the living room, it was empty. Next, I checked the kitchen and no one was there. Where are they?. I finally decided to check their bedroom.

After climbing the steps and crossing my room, I stood in front of their room and knocked lightly to make my presence known. Maybe they are sleeping? After not getting any answer I knocked again but no one opened the door so I slowly pushed the door and surprisingly it was unlocked. I pushed it all way to back and found no one. It was empty as the rest of the house.

I hurried down the stairs and something caught my eyes, it was a piece of paper stuck on one of the shelves. The note said ' we're going. that's it? Were going, not even a proper goodbye. This made my mood deflate completely, why do they do it? Don't they know that I am a human just like them? I get hurt too. I thought maybe they would do something to patch our relationship but boy, I was so wrong. They don't want anything to do with me.

After coming here without notice and making me feel like total stupid who thought she can finally have a chance to talk everything out with her parents but they despise her so much that they left without any goodbye or see you soon and left this small stupid paper. If I was upset before then, I am having a full-blown mental breakdown right now. Is it really fun to hurt someone purposely? If yes then I want to try it. For once I don't want to be on the receiving end.

A loud honk broke my thoughts and I knew it was Ailee who came here just on time. I shake my head and quickly wiped off the tears which fell down my cheeks without me noticing and pick up my bag from the couch.

Throughout the whole drive, Ailee kept asking me what's wrong but I just shrugged and sat silently thinking about how I ended up in this mess.

" what happened mili, why are you so upset today?" She again tried and it just went to deaf ears. I don't know why im not telling her anything maybe its because I don't want to see her pity me.

I again ignored her and looked outside the window.

"I know something is bothering you and if you can't tell me at least share it with Karl, he will understand, hell I will understand too but I don't know why you're not telling me" she stopped the car in front of the school gates and turned towards me.

"I know, I trust you but I just need time, please" I whispered and looked her in the eyes. She nodded and drove inside the gates, parking at our usual space.

We got out and the first thing I noticed was a black bike parked at its usual place, my heart started to beat faster and my hands became clammy. The feeling of happiness slowly filling my insides with a light, making me forget all about the past events which took place a few hours ago. I am happy and I know why.

The reason is standing right in front of the school gates with his signature black jacket and a cigarette between his lips. His hair has been dyed light brown again, not revealing its actual colour and are tossed carelessly on top of his head where some stubborn pieces have fallen in front of his eyes making him look even more beautiful. This guy right here is the synonym of adonis. And just like the first time, his mysterious eyes snapped up to meet mine and I forgot everything and kept my eyes locked to,



He's back people,

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