I hope this makes it easier for you to understand the story, thank you and read on!

Andreas point of view
"Why did you help me," I asked,
"Well it's not every day you find someone else who's alive," Michonne answered, "We've gotta help each-other out."

I stared at my wrists,
"Don't know how to tie knots huh?" I laughed and she rolled her eyes,
"Funnily enough I never thought it would be the most important skill in life."
I easily pulled my hand apart and stretched,
"Ahhhhh good to be free of any knots," I said trying to be annoying and she laughed again.

"Your gonna need meds," she told me, "We need to get moving and find some."
I groaned, I felt like I just needed to sleep the whole day.

"Do you know a place that has them?" I asked,
"No." She replied, "But we will find one."

I put on a fresh pair of clothes from the small closet that was in the room, it was a struggle because my body felt so weak and tired- but I managed.

We ate a bit, Michonne found some rats- obviously it was gross but it was a meal and we couldn't pass it up. After that we left the small hut and headed to different spots she had marked on a map.

"Did you have a group?" Michonne asked,
"Yeah... I did." she looked at me strangely,
"Why didn't you tell me, we could've looked for them," Michonne said a bit harshly.
"They probably thought I was dead," I said, "The farm we were all living on got overrun and I got split up from them."
Michonne sighed,
"Maybe one day we will find them," she reassured me,
"I hope so."

Nobody's point of view/Back at the prison after winter
"Dibs on this cell," Carl said claiming the biggest cell with two beds,
"That's not fair!" Fleur said pulling a fake frown and Carl burst out laughing,
"It is, I called this room, it's mine now."
Fleur narrowed her eyes and started to walk away,
"Okay fine!" Carl said giving up, "We can share this room, it has two beds."
"That's more like it," Fleur said, making herself at home.

Tom had already agreed with Katelyn that they would share a room and the same with Andy and Isla.

"It's not the most beautiful room ever," Katelyn said staring  at the rusty bed frame and the dirt ridden walls, "But it has potential."
Tom nodded,
"We can improve it."

"Breakfast!" Rick called from the outside field,
"Been a long time since I've heard that," Carol chuckled.
Breakfast was delicious, Daryl had found three pigs when he went hunting earlier, so they ate one and kept the two others to breed.

"Carl and Fleur do you wanna start helping me make our garden today? We're gonna need crops."
"Yeah sure," Fleur mumbled through a mouth full of bacon. Carl nodded.

"Carol can I ask you something? You have every right to say no but I would be so grateful." Lori said,
"Go ahead Lori," Carol said with a smile,
"I would like you to help with my birth," Lori looked down, "Again you can say no but I trust you."
Carol cut her off,
"Oh Lori I would love to have that pleasure," she said with certainty, "Your my best friend."

But the thing is- this wasn't something Carol had ever done before. And she didn't want to mess anything up so she would need some sort of practice.
"I need to practice," Carol said already cringing at her thoughts,
"How would you practice though?" Lori asked,
"W-walkers." Carol gagged.

Everyone's eyes widened and within seconds all the boys were gone from the table.
"Carol... that is very um..." Lori began, but she immediately puked on the floor,
"I just need one walker." Carol said, "I can get familiar with how to handle the situation."
Lori nodded just trying to end the conversation.
"Okay well I might as well do it now." Carol said walking away.

SOS/Book 2/The PrisonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin