The three walk into school and they walk to a random table. They sit down and start a conversation. Drew's friends come to the table and sit down.

" Hey guys." Drew says.

" Can you tell Caden he's being dumb?" Lukas asks.

" Caden, you're being dumb." Drew says.

" You don't even know why I'm being dumb." Caden says.

" I don't need to know. I just know you're dumb." Drew says. Brendon and Sage let out giggles.

" He's being dumb because he spent his uni fund on clothes." Lukas says.

" Hey! I have to look fresh when I step onto campus. I can't be wearing old clothes as a uni man." Caden says.

" Maybe you should figure out where you want to go first before buying clothes." Lukas says. Drew quiets down as his friends start bickering. He really should figure out where he wants to go for uni too.

Sage senses him quiet down. She looks at him.

" Are you okay hun?" Sage asks.

" I don't know." Drew says. He stands up from the table. Everyone looks at him weird.

" You good Drew?" Lukas asks.

" I have to go." Drew says. He walks in the direction of his school counselor's office. He walks in and looks at the secretary. She smiles at him.

" Hi, how can I help you?" She asks.

" Uh, can I see Mrs. Miller right now?" Drew asks.

" She's going to go into a meeting soon, so she can't meet with you now. She's free around lunch time. Is that okay?" The secretary says.

" No. I need to see her now." Drew says. Drew's counselor walks out of her office.

" DJ, are you okay?" Mrs. Miller asks.

" No, I'm not. I'm freaking out and I don't know what to do anymore." Drew says.

" Then step into my office." Mrs. Miller says. Drew follows Mrs. Miller into her office. She sits down at her desk as Drew sits down in the chair provided.

" So, what's going on?" Mrs. Miller asks.

" So, I'm about to graduate right? But I don't have a plan for uni and I have no idea what I want to do." Drew explains.

" It's okay to not have a plan right away. Making 17 year olds/18 year olds decide what they want to do for the rest of their lives is a lot to expect of them. But I can help guide you into something." Mrs. Miller says.

" I've been okay with not thinking about my future, but all of a sudden it just hit me." Drew says.

Mrs. Miller smiles," That happens to a lot of students. So, do you want to figure out your major first or where to go? Because it's always okay to go undecided rather than changing your major a bunch of times."

" Uh, I don't know." Drew says. Mrs. Miller hands him a piece of paper with universities written down.

" Well, I'll hand you a list of some uni's around this area and you can research them when you have the time. We can start with your major then." Mrs. Miller says," So, what kinds of things are you into?"

And in that moment, Drew forgot everything about himself. This was gonna be harder than he thought.

Mrs. Miller laughs," It's okay DJ. Well, I know you're on the football team. Do you want to stick with something involving football?"

" Yeah. If I could be on my uni's team it would be nice." Drew says.

" Good! How about something with fitness and health then?" Mrs. Miller says.

" I mean, that sounds good, but what could I do with that?" Drew asks.

" You could be an athletic trainer, a fitness trainer, or be a general and operations manager. And you can do that all around football." Mrs. Miller suggests.

" I actually like the sound of those." Drew says.

" Great! So your major is going to be Health and Physical Education/Fitness." Mrs. Miller says, writing it down on another piece of paper. She hands Drew the paper," Now that you know your major, you can start looking at uni's that have this option."

Drew looks at the papers given to him. He smiles, glad that he finally has an idea of what he wants to do. He looks back at Mrs. Miller.

" Thank you so much." Drew says.

" You're welcome DJ. Here, I'll write a slip for you for your first class." Mrs. Miller says. She starts writing on a slip. She finishes writing and hands Drew the slip. Drew stands up and walks out of the office. He walks to his first class.

Once in his class, he hands his slip to his teacher. He sits down at his desk. He smiles a little bit. He was glad he finally decided what he wanted to do for uni.


Not really sure what to say, but hello ! I hope everyone is okay!

If you have any questions, feel free to comment or message me.

Thank you for reading. I love you all so much.


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