Chapter 24

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It's now been a few days since the whole embarrassing scene of Elijah declaring his relationship with Zoe in front of all her co-workers at her old workplace.

She has been distraught, not sure what to do.

A few ideas had come to mind one being her running away from this whole situation.

If it were not for Elijah interrupting her life she wouldn't be sitting at home on her butt.

Elijah had demanded her to stay put in her home until he called for her to come and start work.,

Because of him, her friendship with Keith was now over for good.

It broke her heart that she wouldn't be able to see her good friend again, but she knew that to keep Keith safe from harm she needed to stay away.

God knows what her psychopath fiance would do to him.

Sounds of banging and sawing were heard over the top of her head.

"Oh my fucking god when will this shit stop," Zoe screamed out loud at the top of her lungs.

"Zoe how many times have I told you NOT to take the lord's name in vain." Esmeralda scolded her daughter.

Zoe was sitting down at their new kitchen table that Elijah had generously bought for them after he had broken their old one.

She was waiting for her mother to bring her, her tea.

Zoe Wine to her mother "But mom these noises are driving me crazy, how are they not bothering you? I know for a fact that you're also upset."

"Be good, we are lucky that your husband has offered to fix our home."

"My husband? He's NOT my husband yet and he should be the one to fix this home. He had abanded you, You had to fend for yourself for many years. You raised him and look how he had repaid you, By doing jack shit for you. We both know that he has tons of money to spare, he just a greedy fucken prick."

Esmeralda huffed to herself, she felt bad that her daughter felt this way towards Elijah and that she would have to spend the rest of her life with him.

She was just hoping that the two would fall in love with one another someday.

With all the noises going around in the home Esmeralda couldn't do anything about it.

The ruff of their home was getting replaced, Elijah had even had men come in and redo all of the floorings and painted the walls.

To their surprise with all the water damage that was from many rainstorms their home didn't have any mould problems.

Elijah had made sure that the house was checked over for mould and fixed every problem that needed to be fixed.

He had even bought new bedroom sets and living room furniture. For the kitchen, he bought new pots and pans and dishes.

"Zoe he has started to take good care of us now, he is making up for all the wrong he had done in the past. There is no need to be upset with him, let's move on and be happy."

Esmeralda wanted to put the past in the past and move forward.

A knock was heard on their front door.

Zoe went to get up to answer it but Esmeralda had stopped her by walked towards the door, she cleaned her hands with a tea towel before she opened the door.

A young girl and two boys stood on her pouch.

They looked to be in their early teens.

"How may I help you?" Esmeralda asked looked the children over.

The young girl was the first to answer her.

"Good Day ma'am my name is Sally and these are my two older brothers Brian and Jason. We were sent here by the Commander to come and help you around your home."

Overhearing what the young girl had to say Zoe was shocked, Elijah had even gone so far as for hiring help around the home.

"That's so generous of him to do so but that's alright, we don't really need the help. I have my daughter here to help me around the farm." Esmeralda was kind and sweet when she rejected the offer.

The young girl smile and said, "The Commander had thought that you would say that to us Ma'am so he had asked me to remind you that your daughter wouldn't be living here too much longer, Once she is married she would be living with him."

That's true Esmeralda thought to herself, Zoe would be married soon and with her being gone and with her bad hip she would need all the help she could get.

Elijah had made sure to think of everything.

"Alright then tell the Commander that I will take up his offer and for the three of you I'll see you here at 7:00 AM tomorrow."

"That sounds good Ma'am well see you tomorrow have a good day." All three teens bowed to her and headed off home.

The realization hit Zoe hard when those words were said by the young girl that she would not be living her once she had gotten married.

She had thought that maybe Elijah would want to move into her home but now it looks like that wouldn't happen she would have to move into his place.

She felt sad not that she would be moving out soon but she was sad that her freedom would be none existence once she gets married.

She thought and she thought and then an idea popped into her mind.

"Mom (she stood up) forget about making me that tea I need to go and pack my bags."

"What for?" Asked Esmeralda in wonder why all of a sudden her daughter needed to pack her things.

"Ummm." She needed to think of a lie fast.

"I totally had forgotten that I have gotten a new mission the other day at work. So I need to pack, I'll be gone for awhile not sure when ill be back." She tried her best not to rat herself out by her facial expressions.

She felt really bad about lying to her mom but she felt like she had no choice to.

Zoe needed to get away from everything that was happening around her.

"Alright hunny, just make sure that you take enuff clothing and don't forget to bring some snacks and water with you. Do you need any money?"

With a smile Zoe replied, "I'm fine I have money, I'll miss you, love you."


A few more chapters to go and The Commanders Powers Book 1 will be finished

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A few more chapters to go and The Commanders Powers Book 1 will be finished. 🙂


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