Chapter 23

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The Next Day:

Zoe was back to work trying her best to act normal, as normal could be like nothing had really happened last night.

Her head was pounding her eyes were black underneath them and her vagina hurt.

As she sat at her desk she was trying her best to look over her paperwork but unfortunately, she just couldn't concentrate.

Her mind was too focused on thinking about the things that had occurred last night.

"Earth to Zoe, hello, Zoe?" Keith started to hit her desk with his hand.

"Oh hey." She blinked a few times, she didn't even notice that he was there.

Keith laughed at her reaction.

"You don't look so good, are you not feeling well? We did have a week off I thought at least you would look all relaxed coming back into work."

"It's not like that Keith, I just had a little too much to drink last night," Zoe Replied as she shuffled the papers in her hands trying to get them into order.

"Well that's ok then, having a drink here or there is not that bad but next time you should limit yourself. It's not good to overdo it, especially when you have work the next day.

" Ok dad ill make sure not to get plastered the night before work again." Zoe had sarcastically said sticking her tongue out at him.

Keith laughed and hit her lightly on the shoulder for calling him, dad.

He was just looking out for her wellbeing.

"Ok, can I get everyone's attention?" The Cheif called out in the middle of the room.

The nose is the room quiets down.

"Alright, I just want to start off with how proud I am with each and every one of you who stayed back and worked in the office while I was gone. You showed me that you are capable to work on your own so thank you."

Everyone smiled and clapped, they liked it when their boss was happy with them.

"I would also like to say that Zoe had done an amazing job while she was in Rose City, She had found the culprits who had taken out King's money."

Everyone including Zoe had clapped their hands with this good news.

"And." But before the Cheif could finish what he was about to say.

The door to the station was opened wide and about 15 of the Commander's guards marched right into the room in a straight line.

To everyone's surprise, they didn't understand what was going on, was it another case to be solved they wondered.

The Commander was the last to walk in.

Once Zoe saw Elijah her cheeks on her face went red, She lowered her head down trying not to make any eye contact with the man that she had lost her virginity to.

Elijah realized what Zoe was doing witch he found cute but he was still mad at her from this morning.

When he had woken up he thought that she would also be there right beside him but what he did get was an empty bed and cold sheet beside him.

There was no sign of Zoe in the room, if it were not for the blood-stained sheets he would have thought that it was just having another dream.

Inside of him he felt used which was not a feeling he was ever used to,  normally he was the one to leave the women behind but this time he was the one who got shafted and he didn't like it not at all.

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