Chapter 1

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Along time ago back in time when Kings and Queens ruled the lands, the people in those days had a very hard life.

Underground in a dark dungeon where no sunlight could be seen nor found.

Dripping sounds of water were heard.

The grey stone walls were covered in blood.

Candlesticks that hung from those walls were burning to give light to the room.

A male prisoner in his early 20's was chained up on a wooden plate form pleading for his life as his body was being tortured.

Blood was dripping down his face most was coming from his mouth, he could hardly breathe or see from his tears that were coming from his eyes sliding down the side of his cheeks some even landing inside of his mouth giving him the only liquid that he had received in days.

As his bloody body shock in pain from being whipped by leather straps.

A tall muscular man dressed in the colours red and black walks in caring a sword behind his back.

This man had a strong Aura surrounding him, you could sense the confidence and power radiating off of his body as he enters.

Guards bowed towards him then move out of his way as he walks over towards a long wooden table that had different torturing objects placed onto it.

They looked to be some kind of tools, blades and knives. Some even looked to be tools that a doctor would use when operating on a patient.

Wipe wipe wipe sounds were heard as this man stood at the wooden table.

"Please stop." Where the cries from the prisoner.

Picking up a knife from the wooden table, He studies that knife in his hand before he turns his body around to look over at the prisoner. As he is glancing at the persiner he was also observing to see what kind of condition that the prisoner was in before he started his own interrogation.

By now the guard who was whipping his whip had stopped noticing his commander was present and looking his way.

The guard bowed down not saying a word but just waited for the commander to speak.

"What right do you have to imprison me? I have done nothing wrong. I want to talk to the king for your false aggravation."
After the prisoner had said those words The man with the knife swiftly headed towards him stabbing that knife right into his shoulder.

A loud cry could be heard.

The man who stabbed the prisoner walked back over towards the wooden table picking up another object witch to be another knife.

A blank look was on that man's face who was the commander's, but deep down inside of that commander he was ruthless and truly loved torturing people.

Their cries and pleading gave him joy, no wonder he was known around the world as the death eater.

"Let's play a game I'll let you asked me three questions then in the end ill only as you one question BUT if you don't answer me truthful then there will be no turning back and the consequences will be dire."

Not even taking a second to think the prisoner right away agreed so he asked his first question.

"Why am I here.?"

The commander already knew he would ask this question, whenever he would play this game with the prisoners this was always their first question to ask.

"It has to do with your partnership with our Enemy that's why your hear." The commander answered playing with the knife in his hand twirling it around on the pom of his hand.

"I don't have any partnership with the enemy. I would never betray my king no matter what, I would die for my king." Cried out the prisoner trying to make his words sound true.

The Commander didn't believe his little act so he asked "What's your second question."

The prisoner sites some blood out of his mouth towards the man before him not caring anymore at this moment of time what would happen to him next.

"What pruff do you have to hold me here under these conditions (he laughed)  you have nothing else better to do in your free time so your just picking random people off of the streets just to play with and no one can say a damn thing about it because you're the Kings bitch."

The Commander just shook his head side to side as he rolled his eyes, he was pressing his lips together thinking how this dirty Criminal before him had grown some balls very fast but he also had an ace up his sleeve and knew what could knock this man down.

" Your brother was the one who went to the king and informing him of your doing."

" That's preposterous my brother would never do that to me. Blood is thicker than water."

"Why would I the head of the army also the right-hand man to the King lie to you? Maybe you should think and ask yourself why would your brother betrayed you?"

It was hard for the prisoner to think as he was in so much pain, he felt his body wanting to give up and his mind just didn't want to work.

He knew he had one more question to ask so he needed to make sure that this last question was a  good one So he asked" You are going by the words that my brother had spoken but those are just words anyone can say anything to get someone into trouble but that doesn't mean that they are true so what visual proof do you have?"

A smile formed on the commander's face, this was the question he was waiting for this was the ace that he had up his sleeve.

Placing a smirk on his lips.

"Your wife had given your brother all of the written letters that you had received from our enemy. I would have thought that you would have been smarter to of burned those letter right after you had read them but no you had to save them and it turns out that not only your brother had betrayed you but also your wife the women that you have loved your whole entire life."

Hurt, devastation and numbness was all that the prisoner had felt after hearing those words.

His beloved the only woman he has ever been with was the cause of all of this, she was the one who had helped his brother turn him into the King.

He knew there was no way out now he would die for his crime.

Working with the enemy is an automatic death sentence.

"Now that you have asked your 3 questions it's my turn to ask you my one question, Why did you go against our King?"

A small little low laugh could be heard from the prisoner's lips as he closed his eyes.

"If I told you I don't think you would believe me." That was what he said.

"Try me." Reply the commander but he already knew deep down what his answer would be.

Nothing these days or years had he ever been surprised about anything.

"I wanted to give my wife the life of a rich women so I betrayed my king for her."

Those words would be the last words ever coming from that prisoner's mouth ever again.

Right afterwards his throat was slashed across his neck by the commander with the knife in his hand.

Not waiting for another minute of his time to be waisted he commented his

"Throw his body in front of his wife's doorstep, let her and his brother barry him. I'll inform our King on what has happened today."

The prisoner's body was released from the chains then dragged out of the room.

The Commander stood there thinking to himself.

What a fool this prisoner was to fall in love ......


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