Chapter 15

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Zoe rushed into her room slamming the door behind her harshly, not caring who would hear her at this point.

She was so livid that her
breathing came out in hard pants, her chest was heaving up and down as she was having a hell of a time breathed in and out.

"I can't believe that man and his improper ways of speaking to me especially in front of others., how could he say that in front of all those men and that pore woman I'm not surprised that she hadn't fainted I would have. I would have been so scared."

She stood still in the middle of her room Closing her eyes, she felt so worn and tired out.

Her body was drained out, she was ready to go home back to her loving mother back to the life she was used to having before she had met the Commander.

"It's time for me to go back home, I need to forget everything that has happened today. I just can't stay here any longer."

"The Commander knows now who were all involved in stealing the King's chest, I'm no longer needed," Zoe said out loud to here self.

She had made up her mind she was heading back home, So she walked over towards her bed bending down taking her suitcase from under the bed.

Instead of packing her things nicely and neatly into her suitcase She just started to throw everything that she had owned inside of it adding some complimentary toilet paper, shampoos, a couple of towels and a bathrobe.

Ok some were complimentary and some weren't but she didn't care at this point if the Inn wanted to charge money for the towels and the bathrobe it will be The Commander who would have to pay for the bill.

With his name being under All the rooms that had been rented out it wouldn't be her problem and deep down she didn't feel bad if he gets charged because she thought it would serve him right for embarrassing her as he did.

Knock knock

"My God don't people realize that I just want to be left alone." She said out loud not caring that whoever is behind that door hearing her.

Rolling her eyes she fast-paced over towards the door opening it up seeing that it was her Cheif and his son Keith standing there.

The look on Zoe's face informed the both of them that she was not in a very good mood and when Zoe was not in a good mood that meant all hell was about to break loose.

She looked at them and they looked back at her, not one blinked their eyes, Zoe hadn't invited them in yet.

She just stood there tapping her foot with her arms crossed over her chest with one raised eyebrow.

Keith leaned over towards his father's ear and whispered in a very low voice, "I think her aunt is visiting her."

What Aunt the Cheif thought to himself, she doesn't have an aunt her mother was an only child if his memory serves him right.  He scrunches up his face thinking and scratching the top of his head with his hand.

The Cheif didn't understand what his son meant by aunt but he figured she was on her monthly cycle.

"Can we come in?" asked the Cheif in a calm low voice.

Instead of her saying no out loud she just left the door wide open as she walked away going back over to her bed continuing what she was doing.

Both men looked at each other, not one making the first initiative to move.

"Go ahead father you go in first," Keith said moving his long arm out guiding him to walk ahead.

"Oh no you can go in first my legs are not that good today son, so I'll be taking a long time to walk. Your much younger than me so please go in first."

The Cheif knew what his son was up to by sending him into the Lion's Den first but he wasn't going to have any of that he knew how Zoe was each month, he didn't want to be the first Target of her Wrath.

"Oh my God, what the hell is the problem? Just walk into the room it's not that complicated to do." Screamed Zoe her face was red from getting annoyed.

"Alright, ill go in first father because we all know that your a chicken when it comes to her."

The Cheif didn't bother to reply to his son.

Both men walked forward one after the other.

"So what are you upto  Zoe?" Asked Keith as he heads over towards her watching what she is doing.

"Are you blind Keith? What does it look like to you? I'm packing my bags and I'm going back home. I'm done with my job here, The Commander knows who  the corporate are so I'm not needed any longer."

Instead of the Cheif walking over towards her like his son had he went to sit down on a chair.

He observed Zoes body language, as she spoke to Keith, he could tell right away that something was wrong with her but he wasn't sure on the why part.

Maybe this had nothing to do with her menstrual cycle after all he thought maybe it had something to do with a certain man.

Instead of trying to convince her to stay he encourager her to go.

He wanted Zoe to get far away from the Commander and not to spend too much time with him.

"Zoe that's a good idea you have going back home, I know your mother must miss you dearly we have been gone for over a month now. You continue packing your things and Keith and I will go pack as well. After that will head down to the bay to catch a ship that will be heading back home.

Keith was not ready to go home he wanted to stay longer, "but what about the Commander father we can't just leave."

"You do as I say son don't let me repeat myself, now go and pack. We will leave as soon as possible.".........


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