Chapter 4

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The moon was still out but it was considered morning time.

There was a nice breeze coming off of the lake and into Zoes room from her bedroom window being open.

Zoe raises her body from her bed with the covers only covering half of her lower half.

Raising her arms into the air as she stretched her muscles to get the stiffness loss.

She takes a deep breath in and exhales it back out wishing that she could sleep some more, but she needed to get up and get ready for another day of work.

Her Master/Cheif would already be at her work waiting to give out the new assignments for that day.

Zoe wanted to be the first to show up at the department to make sure she got the best task of the day and earn a little bit more money than the others.

As she got up out of bed she walked over towards her dresser.

A bowl full of water was placed on top of that dresser.

That bowl was for her to wash her face and brush her teeth.

Zoe looked herself over in her mirror.

As she looked into the mirror she had noticed the chair that was beside her bed.

It looked to have clean folded clothing on it.

She thought that her mother must have placed the clothing out for her to wear to work in the morning.

Turning herself around she walks over towards the chair.

She sees a grey shirt and black pant, Her mother had also placed a big white bandage cloth on top of those clothing with her undergarment.

Slipping off her nightdress she then places her clean undergarments on.

Looking down at the cloth bandage she takes it into her hands and starts to wrap it around her chest tightly as she can to hide any signs of her breasts.

Only the men at the department and the Cheif of the department knew of Zoes true identity.


At the department, not a lot of men had arrived yet to start work so it was kinda quiet.

As Zoe strolls in from the front door she greats her fellow workers with a "Good Morning." And a big smile on her face.

The men in the room had greeted her back as well. "Good Morning."

Some had even wondered in their minds what Zoe truly looked like as a woman all dressed up.
With her being dressed up as a man Zoe looked really good with a pretty little face, so they thought she must look Beautiful in her true form. But none would say a word nor ask to see her in a dress because this little girl had a really good punch.

"Chief are the tasks in yet?" Zoe asked as she hopped around in her spot getting excited to start her first task of the day hoping to make some good money.

The Chief always found it to be cute when every she acted this way.

He laughed and smiled at her.

"No not yet it's still early morning Zoe and you know my rule. You need to wait for everyone else to be present to find out what the tasks are, remember I treat you all equally."

Keith walked up beside Zoe with a big smile on his face and said "Chief we all know that you have a soft spot for our Zoe here." Placing his arm around Zoe's shoulder laughing out loud at what he had said.

Zoe elbowed Keith into his ribs then moved out from his arm.

"Your just jealous because your father treats me better than you." Zoe poked her slender finger into his chest.

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