Chapter 22

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Later that night Zoe sat in the middle of her bed with her legs crossed thinking over everything that had happened.

She had one hand on her knee and in her other hand, she had a cup filled with whiskey.

She had a stash of bottles of different Liquors in her room hidden away from her mother, time from time she would like to have a drink if she had a hard day at work.

These bottles were gifts from her co-workers that she had received on special occasions.

In her mind, she just couldn't relax everything felt like it was closing in on her.

Zoe felt that her life was a lie, this whole time her mother had kept secrets from her and deep down she had a feeling that her mother was still holding back on somethings as well.

She didn't understand why her mother was never honest with her in the first place about raising Elijah as a child and why now out of nowhere did she want her to marry the man, why? Why did she so desperately want her to marry? She didn't care before if I have gotten married or not.

Was Elijah threatening her? or someone else threatening her? and why would somebody want to threaten her? I'm a nobody but a crossdresser.

As the night went on the rain had not stopped, 2 empty bottles were sprawled across the bed.

Zoes nightgown was off and thrown onto the floor, she had hot flashes and felt too warm to have anything on.

Just her undergarments were left on, her face was flushed red from all the drinking she had consumed.

Zoe then had the bright idea that she would go over to the next room where her so-called fiancee was staying for the night to give him a piece of her mind.

Getting off of her bed she stagers a little towards her bedroom door.

Right in she went right into the room that Elijah was staying in, without even knocking or seeing if he was awake

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Right in she went right into the room that Elijah was staying in, without even knocking or seeing if he was awake.

As she tried her best to sturdy herself as she tried to walk straight but she by accidentally stubs her toe on the corner of the bed.

Not really caring if she would wake Elijah up at this point she just cried out from the throbbing pain she felt in her big toe.

Whipping his eyes with the back of his hands to get the sleep out of them.

Elijah then sat up in his bed, looking around the room trying to see who was there.

Only a candle gave light in the room which was placed on the bedside dresser.

Seeing Zoe hopping around on her leg, The stench of booze was potent in the air.

Elijah wrinkled his nose from a stunt.

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