Chapter 3

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An older gentleman sat down on a golden Throne chair with 2 young maids on each of his sides.

The king sat all-mighty looking down at his councilman giving each one of them their orders for that day.

In that group of councilmen, the Commander also stood to listen to what his King had to say.

"Now you all may leave but I want the Commander to stay, go at once." Said the King looking at them all to make sure they do as they were told.

He hated when they would linger around after these gather trying to get the chance to kiss up to him.

One by one had left just leaving behind the King and the Commander with the personal "maids"  that took care of the king's needs.

The King raised his hand and said to his women "You can go now, draw me a bath. Make sure you use the lavender oil that I like."

All bowed towards their King and left in a row.

"My King." The Commander said as he bowed.

"Oh don't start bowing towards me. You know out of all my people you are the one that doesn't have to bow, now tell me did you find out any news from that traitor?"

"My King do you even need to ask, of course, those letters were true."

"Well now I know and I also know that I don't need to ask you if he is dead. Did you tell him that it was his brother and his wife who had betrayed him?" The King asked wondering.

"My King he is a foolish man and deserves death. He went behind your back to work with the enemy to gain money for his slut of a wife."

The King didn't need to know any more about this topic so he dropped it.

"Alright, you did your job fantastic ill award you 100 silver coins. Now that, that's done onto another task. I need you to team up with Constable Louise and take a couple of his men plus some of your own to Rose City. I just got word that a chest of mine that's full of gold was stolen from my volt. Inform everyone that will be going that no matter what you do You can not come back until my gold has been found and also the person who was responsible for stealing from me.

"Don't worry my King ill make sure to get that chest back for you and also the criminals."


In front of the Command Post, Zoe and Keith stood with their Bounty prize who was still knocked out cold and laying on top of a donkey.

They stood before 4 guardsmen arguing with them about the bounty money.

"5 little sliver coins are shit I want more for bringing this ass in." Said Zoe with both hands on her hips staring up at the big men.

"The bounty money is for your guy not for your stuiped donkey." One guard said with an angry face.

"Who said I wanted to give you my donkey I'm here for this ass." She pointed with her finger towards the past out man.

"I told you your only getting 5 coins." Said a guard.

Now the guards at the command post we're getting frustrated with her.

Keith noticed their red faces and clenched hands to their sides.

So he grabbed Zoe's hand to pull her back towards him so that none of these men would lay a finger on her.

"Zoe just take the money, he was an easy catch for us today. It's not like we had to work hard to catch him." Keith pleaded with her trying to calm her temper down.

But this only got her going more so instead of backing away she walked forward and stood not even 5 feet away from those guards.

Raising her chin high into the air showing them that she was not scared of them.

She was only 5'4 in height weighing around 105 if lucky as for these guys before her they had to be over 6 feet tall weighing in around 200 pounds.

She was a shrimp in their shark tank.

But this little shrimp was not going to let these stuiped sharks boss her around.

"Listen here you ass hats if you don't at least give me 10 coins for this man then I'll slap my donkey's ass and he will run off with him. Do you hear me?"

Before the guards could grab her a voice had stopped them.

"If you slape your donkey's ass then I'll be slapping yours and sending you off to my prison for helping a convict getaway."

"Commander." The guards said all at once and bowed down towards him showing their respect to him.

Zoe's eyes went wide.

The man before her was huge, he had to be close to 7 feet tall with a big built.

He had on high-ranking clothing that was black and red.

His black silky hair was long but pulled back into a ponytail so that it wouldn't go into his face.

"Now that you brought this wanted man in here he  has now become my prisoner, take him away guards." Said the Commander.

Right away two guards stepped forward. 

One took the rope that was around the donkey's head and pulled the donkey into the Command Post as the other guard followed from behind in case the man would wake up and try to get away.

Once realizing what was going on and finally coming out of her daydream Zoe noticed not only that the ass was gone but also her donkey.

"Wait a minute you guys stool my donkey give him back to me."

The Commander throws 5 coins at her which hit different areas of her body before they had fallen onto the ground.

Turning himself midway to leave he then heard her say.

"Now that my donkey and that guy are gone your the only ass that's left so go on hurry it up so you can go find your friends." Then she made a sound that a donkey would make.

Keith had already picked up the coins for Zoe so she didn't need to bother about that as she was talking rudely to the Commander.

"What did you say." The commander asked as he turned his body to face the little shrimp before him.

"Sorry sir my friend here is not right in the head he has been hit in his head many times please forgive us."

Keith grabbed Zoe's arm pulling her with him as he started to run down the dirt path road as fast as his legs could go to save his friend's life.

"Sir, would you like us to chase them?" Asked a guard.

The Commander squinted his eyes watching the cowards run away.

"No." That was the only answer he gave.

I'll deal with them on my own he thought to himself.

Different ideas were now playing in his mind of ways on how he would be torturing that little shrimp with the big mouth.

He smirked to himself and laughed a cruel laugh inwards......


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