Chapter 8

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It's been two days now that Zoe has been working on the case.

Workers from the bank were now lined up in front of Zoe's wooden desk that was provided by the bank manager.

The Commanders Guards were out making shire that there wouldn't be any trouble.

"Next," Zoe called out in a male's voice to hide her identity as being a woman.

A tall male walks up to her desk.

"Are these your everyday shoes for work?" She asked looking down at the man's feet.

"Yes," he replies not understand why she would ask him that.

"Ok then take them off."

"But what will I wear if I don't have any shoes? They are all that I have."

"Don't worry I just need them for only a minute then you'll  get them back."

As Zoe said that she placed a big piece of paper out onto her desk, then she pours some black ink into a flat pan.

As the man hands over his shoes, he watches to see what will happen.

Zoe takes the right shoe and dips the bottom of that shoe into the ink pan. Once the bottom of that shoe was completely covered in ink she lifts it out of the pan and placed that shoe down onto the paper to leave a print mark.

She repeats the same thing to the other shoe.

"Ok before I give you back your shoes I need to take your fingerprints."

The man did as she asked and showed her his hands.

She took each of his fingers placing them down into the ink pan and then pressing his fingers tips down onto the paper.

she then asked, "What's your first and last name please."

The gentleman gave her all the information that she asked for.

Once he was done Zoe gave him his things back.

Time had past and the sun was starting to go down.

Zoe had one more person on her list to fingerprint before she could go back to the Inn to eat her dinner and then rest.

" I'm looking for the bank manager have you seen him?" She asked one of the Commander's guards.

"Umm (the guard started to think) yes the last time I saw him he was in the King's bank room."

Squinting her eyebrows
"What is he doing in there? No one is allowed in that room but me." She said in a low voice to herself.

She bowed to the guard then went off to look for the manager.

Just like the guard had said the manager was indeed inside the room.

"What are you doing in here?" Zoe asked with her arms crossed.

The bank manager was startled then said "Nothing just making sure that everything is in order."

"Even though you are the manager your not allowed in here."

Zoe walked straight up to him to see what this man was up to.

He was way taller than her so she needed to look up at his face.

"I don't need to tell you why I'm in here your a nobody so get out of my face." Said The manager then he pushed her.

Zoe tried to hold her own but slipped and landed on her butt.

Anger had risen inside of her. "How dare you lay your hands on me. I work for the King and I can send you to prison for pushing me."

She got herself off of the ground, she went right back up into the manager's face. "Now I need you to get your ass over at my desk so that I can take your prints." She demanded.

The manager's face turned deep red "I'm not doing anything that you say."  He said screaming in her face, that a little spit had flown out of his mouth and onto her face.

She took the arm sleeve of her shirt and whipped her face.

"Alright then (she stepped back a little) 'll just have to arrest you and say that you were the one who took the King's gold."

The manager raised his hand to hit her on the face but a strong male hand had caught the wrist of the bank manager's arm.

"No one touches my people." The Commanded said gripping his wrist tight that the bank manager cried.

He fell to the floor onto his knees crying out "please let go, I'm sorry I won't do it again."

The Commander didn't let go instead he looked at Zoe and said "Go and get your ink little shrimp."

Zoe did as he asked and went to retrieve the things that she needed.

It didn't take her long to get the foot and fingerprint of the bank manager.

After she was done the Commander had handed over the bank manager to a couple of guards.

He told those guards to imprison the manager.

The Commander had gone with the guards as for Zoe she gathered all her papers and was ready to leave.

She rubs the side of her back and also her elbow she was pretty sore from the fall.

She needed a nice warm bath she thought as she headed to the Inn by herself...........


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