Chapter 9

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Elijah (none as  The Commander) had just entered his room at the Inn.

The muscles in his body were sore and for his eyes, he could hardly keep them open.

"I need to take some time to myself after we leave here and head home." He said to himself as he was taking off his black muddy boots.

He looked down at his socks that whereon his feet then he looks over at his slippers.

"I'm not going to bother placing them on. My feet stink and im all sweaty, I need to take a bath but I have no energy to do so."

He sighs to himself.

Elijah goes over to a cupboard and retrieves a towel from it.

He strips from his dirty clothing, then throws them into a dirty basic that was at the end of his double bed. 

Placing his robe onto his body, tying his belt around his waist.

Picking up the towel once again he heads over to the men's washing pound.

The pound was located at the back of the Inn.

There were two pounds side by side with a fence across it that divide the men's area from the female area.

That night the woman's area was closed to take a bath it was for safety measures.

Zoe didn't think anything of it bathing in the men's area of the pound, she had done this many times in the past.

She was splashing around in the water as she rinsed off her body from the soap.

It was late at night, She didn't think that anyone would come down to bathe.

Everyone should be in bed sleeping.

The moonlight was shining down from above onto the pound giving her the light around her.

Zoe looked up into the ski resting her head onto some rocks that were around the pound.

The water came up to her shoulders.

Closing her eyes she takes a couple of deep breaths in and out as she relaxes.

Elijah walks into the bathing pound.

He had not noticed Zoe yet relaxing over where the rocks were.

After slipping off his robe he takes it with his towel and places them onto the grass neatly folded.

He doesn't even wait to test the water to see if it was cold or not.

Dunking his whole body into the water he comes back up from the water.

Droplets of water were going down his face.

After a few seconds, he then notices someone by the rocks.

He takes a closer look and sees a beautiful woman with white skin and long black hair with her eyes close.

He goes over towards her quietly trying not to scare her.

"What is she doing in here?" He said to himself.

"Doesn't she know that this pound is for men? She must be dumb if she can't read the sign."

Then he thought "What if someone drugged her and placed her here?"

All different scenarios were playing in his mind.

"Something must of happen to her, what women in their right mind would close their eyes where any man like myself just had walked in here and see her like this."

He glides himself over towards her and puts one of his fingers under her nose to see if she was still breathing.

"Please be alive please be alive." He kept repeating to himself.

He didn't care if she was dead or not, but he did care about explaining how he was with a dead woman who is naked and also himself being naked as well.

His guards would think that they had a night of kinky passion before I killed her.

With his finger under her nose, he could feel the warmth from her breath.

"Thank God she's just sleeping." He said out loud not caring at this point if he wakes her up.

Elijah couldn't tell that Zoe the girl before him was the little Shrimp who he has been working with.

But Elijah was a smart man he did noticed something different about this woman, so he takes a better look at Zoe.

He noticed how clear her face is without any makeup. She had a natural beauty so makeup wasn't needed

She was also a tiny little thing compared to him.

He saw that the water went up to her shoulders as for him the water only went up to his waist.

With it being night and only the moon giving light Elijah couldn't see her full body in that dark water. 

The smell of Lavender was coming from her hair and also her body.

It kinda reminded him of the little shrimp that he works with who had the same smell, Then A thought came to his mind.

Squinting his eyes he sized her up and down.

"Could it be? No, I'm crazy to think that. There is no way that these two were one."

Zoe slowly opens her big bright eyes.

"What the hell." She says out loud covering her body with her hands.

"Don't flatter yourself. What woman baths in a pound for men? I just came over here to check on you."

"But-but." Zoe didn't know what to say at this moment.

So instead of explaining herself or making up a lie she just swam over towards the ladder of the pound to get out.

Elijah was watching her as she was getting out.

Just before she was climbing up the ladder he went to turn his body so that he wouldn't see her naked body.

But before he turned he had noticed 2 big bruises.

One on her elbow and the other on her back........


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