Chapter 16

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Back in the homeland, King Marcos had called forth to his guards to bring a woman that he had not seen in years to come to visit him.

"My King." Said a woman who looked to be in her late 50's.

She bows down towards him, showing him her respect.

"Esmeralda, it's been so long since I have seen you last, how have you been these past years?"

"My King I have been doing fine, thank you for asking." She smiles at her King.

"That's good to hear, I still think of the last time we had met. I must say you raised my son to be the man of who he is today. I am very grateful for that and your help."

"My King you are too kind to say these words, it's my pleasure to raise Elijah. I was very fortunate to have him in my life until he was ready to go off and train with your men."

"You have been good to my son Esmeralda, if it were not for you helping with his birth I do believe in my heart that I would have lost him as well. He reminds me so much of my late wife, ( A single-tier rolls down his cheek) I'm very lucky to still have a part of her in this world living."

Esmeralda was sad by his words.

A flashback had popped into her mind of the night of Elijah's birth.

she was the midwife who helped the King's wife to give birth, she was there when Miranda had died after losing too much blood.

Esmeralda and Miranda lived together for months in hiding from the old King.

She watched Miranda's belly grow each month, the two women had a close bond with one another.

Getting out of her thoughts she knew that the King had asked her here for a reason.

"My King I am honoured that you have asked for me to come to visit you today  but it's been many years since I have seen you, may I ask if there a reason for me to visit?"

The King laughed

"You have not change the bit Esmeralda, ( he laughs and shakes his head) Yes you are right I have asked for you to come here for a reason. I have heard from the Grapevine that you have a daughter now is that true?"

Esmeralda was surprised by his words, she didn't understand why the King would ask her this question but she answered truthfully " Yes my King I do have a daughter. I adopted her 8 years ago after Elijah had left me to go and train with your men. I had felt lonely and I had heard of a little girl who needed a family so I found it fit to adopt her."

The King liked what she had to say so he asked " Has Elijah meet your daughter?"

"No my King he has never met her."

Now Esmeralda was feeling worried for her daughter she had no clue what the King had in mind at this moment nor why he would ask these questions.

"You and I and my Earl Marshal are the only ones who know of Elijah's true identity."

Esmeralda shook her head up and down saying yes she understands.

"Till this day he still doesn't know that I am his father but soon I'll need to tell him. ( The Kings Health was deteriorating) He thinks that he was chosen at a young age by me to train to be my Commander to my guards but in fact, he was secretly being trained to be the next King.

"Yes my King I know of all of this and we both know how hard-headed Elijah can be but he is a good man and he will be an amazing King." Esmeralda meant what she said about Elijah being a good King.

Then the King said, "Your the only woman he trusts in this world and for him to be King he needs a Queen."

Esmeralda didn't like where this was going but she couldn't interrupt the King.

"I want your daughter to be the next Queen to my Kingdom. I know you have raised her in the right way just like you raised my son and I trust you. I know that we would not have any problem with her as Queen."

Esmeralda's eyes went wide, she had never imagined that King Marcus would ask for her daughter's hand in marriage for her son.

"My King I am honoured but my daughter is not a princess, normally to be a Queen you need to come from a Nobel family which we are not."

The King waved his hand to forget about the whole Nobel family rule.

He knew how pigheaded his son was and how he detests women, Only Esmeralda's daughter would be the one to suit him.

"Oh don't worry about that

"But my King my daughter is only 18 and Elijah is 28 that's a big age gap between the both of them. (She needed to convince the King that her daughter was not the right one for his son)  he wouldn't want a young girl like her and also my daughter is not like other girls. Elijah would be better off with someone else."

King Marcus didn't take any offence to what she had said.

He only thought that she had said these words were because she thought she and her daughter were not Worthy.

"Esmeralda your daughter is of age to be married. Women her age have at least one child and married for a couple of years. To be honest I am surprised that you haven't married her off to a family. As for my son, I know that he would no doubt marry your daughter
because you will be the one asking him to do that favour for you, he won't say no to you he looks at you as a mother figure."

This is not what Esmeralda wanted for her daughter, yes she did hope that her daughter would be married one day but not to Elijah.

There were secrets that Esmeralda has been hiding about her child but now that the King has given her no choice but to send Zoe onto a path that could Destroy her.......


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