"Oh my God, okay, okay, you're going into labour," Penelope said frantically, "We need to get you to the hospital! Have you called Spencer?"

Penelope helped Y/N up from the couch and held her arm as they exited the apartment and to Penelope's car. Y/N was taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.

"Y/N, keep calm, we're gonna get you to a hospital and then you'll be welcoming your own baby genius." Penelope said, it caused Y/N to let out a small laugh.

"Let's just get to the hospital." Y/N said as Penelope began driving.


Y/N was laying down in a hospital bed, Penelope by her side. Spencer still wasn't here yet and Y/N was beginning to get nervous. She needed him by her side.

When it was time for Y/N to start pushing, she couldn't do it. Penelope held her hand tight saying anything she could to reassure Y/N.

"You're gonna be okay." Penelope said, clutching Y/N's hand tighter.

"I can't," Y/N cried, shaking her head, "Not without Spencer."

"Yes you can," Penelope said frantically, "You are strong Y/N, you can do this."

"No, no I can't," Y/N said, tears streaming down her face, "I need Spencer."

"He's gonna be here soon, okay? He'll be here." Penelope reassured, although she didn't know where Spencer was or how long he would be.

When the nurse told Y/N to push, she did and soon enough she welcomed a baby girl into the world.


Y/N looked down lovingly at the baby girl in her arms. Before she met Spencer, she never thought she would settle down and have children. But once she met Spencer, she knew that he was the man she wanted a family with.

Penelope stared down at the sight in front of her with tears rolling down her cheeks, "She's gorgeous."

"She looks like Spence." Y/N said softly, her gaze never tearing away from the girl in her arms.

"She has your nose." Penelope said, moving closer to Y/N and the baby.

Y/N smiled and kissed the top of the baby's head. She wished Spencer was by her side. Many different thoughts had been running through her head. Some are more morbid than others. Y/N didn't want to worry but she couldn't help it.

"Where is he Pen?" Y/N questioned, "Why isn't he here yet?"

"I-I don't know but I can go and call him if you want?" She offered.

"Please." Y/N states, suddenly feeling drowsy.

Penelope exited the room and Y/N's gaze returned to her little girl sleeping soundly in her chest, "Your daddy will be here soon." Y/N's eyes shut before she drifted off to sleep.


Y/N woke up to whispered voices. She opened her eyes slowly, giving them time to adjust to the light. Not feeling a weight on her chest, Y/N began to panic before the voices she woke up to become clearer.

Her eyes darted across the room to where Spencer was standing with their little girl in his arms. He was softly rocking her while talking in hushed whispers. The sight of it made Y/N's heart swell.

"Spence?" She muttered.

Spencer looked up from the girl in his arms and to Y/N. A soft smile spread across his features. He walked over to the chair by Y/N's bed and sat down.

"Hey," Spencer said, "You look beautiful."

Y/N let out a small chuckle, "You're just saying that."

"I'm not," Spencer said, "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," Y/N muttered, reaching a hand over to the girl in Spencer's arms, "How has she been?"

"She's been fine, perfect actually. She's been asleep the whole time." Spencer said, his gaze shifting down to his baby. To Spencer, it was still surreal that he had a child.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here. There was traffic going to the airport, there was traffic on the way here, the flight was longer than I thought, and-"

"Spencer, it's okay," Y/N cut him off, "All that matters is that you're here now."

Spencer leaned over and placed a kiss on Y/N's lips, "I love you."

Y/N smiled, ''I love you too, Spence."

Spencer looked down to the baby girl in his arms, "And I love you." He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

The baby in Spencer's arms opened her eyes, staring up at Spencer. The girl smiled and giggled causing Spencer to smile. Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked down at her.

"She has your eyes." Y/N said.

"She has your nose." Spencer said as a tear slipped down his cheek.

"That's what Penelope said." Y/N stated and the baby girl clutched onto her finger.

"She's ours," Spencer mumbled, "She's our daughter."

"Yes she is, Spence. She's our daughter." Y/N said looking between the two people she loved more than anything.

The hospital room door opened and people began to filter in. Penelope stepped in first, then Emily, then JJ and soon enough the rest of the team.

"What are you guys doing here?" Y/N questioned, "I thought you were on a case?"

"Well when you have something you need to get back and see, you finish a job pretty fast." Emily answered.

"I'm glad you guys are here." Y/N said.

Everyone stared in awe at the little girl in Spencer's arms. The whole team was beyond happy for the couple. They knew Spencer had wanted a kid for a while and they were glad that he had finally found the right person to have a family with. They remembered the day when Spencer introduced Y/N to them and they knew that they were meant to be - they were perfect together. The team couldn't think of two other people more deserving of being parents.

"Do you have a name?" JJ asked, staring at the little girl.

Y/N nodded, "Ava. Ava Diana Reid."

Y/N and Spencer looked at each other before he pressed a kiss to her forehead. The two stared lovingly at their baby girl. A happy family.


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