"So cute. Have you seen Snape yet? It's so awkward seeing him at his wedding," Ella remarks.

"It's crazy to think that he's over Lily Potter. I still don't believe it," Daphne observes.

"Same, Daph. This whole situation seems so...planned," I think.

"Maybe something to do with your father? Your biological father?" Ella suggests.

I shrug and wave goodbye, heading to Mother's room.

"Mother?" I knock.

"Come in," She says. She looked like a queen in her long wedding dress. The flowers were white and baby pink and sitting in a vase in the corner of the room.

"You look nice," Mother applies some makeup to her face.

"You look beautiful," I sit on the couch in silence.

"Mother, why are you marrying Severus? The last time I checked, he didn't have any money," I ask. Mother turns to me.

"Sometimes, Diana Aryelle, you do things that aren't just for you in the moment. You do them because you keep problems at bay," Mother gets her flowers and beckons for me to come with her.

"What do you mean..." Mother shushes me.

"Not now," I nod as everyone scrambles to get ready to walk down the aisle. Blaise and I walk together, him before me. As I walk down the aisle, I spot Draco. He smiles and gives me a small, discreet nod as I reach the altar.

This was it.


Ever since I've met Diana, I've never seen her so uncomfortable and apprehensive. I saw how she fidgets with her hair and necklaces, and how she winced ever so slightly at the "I do"s. 

What she doesn't know is why the marriage is happening. It's a set-up really. Since Snape is a DeathEater, and the Zabinis have had targets on their backs since Basillio did not join the DeathEaters during the First Wizarding War, this allows him to get closer to the family ever so discreetly. He's been Cassandra's good friend since their days at Hogwarts, so the plan went smoothly so far.

That is how Basillio died, Father and Bellatrix killed him. Blaise, Diana, and I were just babies. Elaine had just turned two. His disloyalty cost him his life.

I was planning on telling Diana, but then again, it would have given her more motivation to split Snape and Cassandra up. Snape would have been punished, and an even bigger target would have been on Diana.

"Want to dance?" I ask her. Diana laughs.

"Sure, why not?" I offer her my hand and she smiles, taking it in hers and dancing her way onto the dance floor. I'm not a great dancer, but Diana is pretty good. We both laugh as we dance, and Blaise joins with Millicent.

"Where were you? You didn't come to say hi," Diana asks Millicent. Millicent flushes red.

"Oh...OH MY GODRIC!" Blaise shushes his sister and we laugh. Ella stands alone by a table, staring at a couple.

"Brian's dancing with Astoria," I observe.

"Oh he is so dead," Diana announces. "After the wedding and after dinner, because I'm hungry," We sit and wait for the house elves to deliver plates of food. Diana can't stop staring at Snape with her mother.

"Staring won't make them split up," I joke. Diana shoots me a look.

"Sorry, I thought that was funny," I apologize. Blaise gives me a look that tells me to be cautious.

"Something feels so off about all of this," Diana whispers.

"I agree," Ella agrees. "It's too out of the blue,"

"My mother said something to me today. I think this is bigger than we think it is," Diana says. I avoid eye contact.

"What did she say?" Blaise asks.

"'Sometimes, Diana Aryelle, you do things that aren't just for you in the moment. You do them because you keep problems at bay'. It was so cryptic," Diana says.

It was clear to me: it was long-term for protection. The problem was the target on the Zabini family by DeathEaters.

"Does it have to do with Basillio?" Millicent asks.

"That's what I've been trying to figure out. When we get back to Hogwarts tomorrow, I'm going to do some research," Diana decides.

"Want some help?" Blaise asks.

"Sure, everyone can help out. There are way too many public records to look through it alone," Diana smiles.

"Draco, you alright, mate? You look pale," Blaise says.

"Me? What? No, I'm fine. Sorry, I was spaced out," Diana gives me a suspicious, I'm-onto-you look, but it shifts quickly to a smile when she faces her friends again.

This facade isn't going to last long, and I know it.

A/N: anna oop...

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