Chapter Thirty-Seven: Surprises that please or shock

Start from the beginning

"The heads that spun off as people looked in disbelief."

He grinned at her. "I was thought to remain unwed. It is quite hard to believe. Though, they will understand when they meet you."

"Are you speaking of my appearance or the challenge you say I bring to you?"

He winked as they approached their host. "Lord Dansbury, tis good to see you. I hope you will accept my apology for our late arrival."

"I thought you said you were attending the opera tonight."

"Yes, we did indeed. However, we left early to enjoy your invitation." Radley smiled courteously, and Dansbury nodded. Both of them knew there had been no formal invite, yet had been verbal while visiting Whites. "You have not met my bride, formally Miss Caldwell, the daughter of the Marquess of Kensingdale. This, my dear, is the Marquess of Dansbury."

He smiled as she curtsied. "I know your father well. How is he? Last I heard he moved to his manor to recuperate."

"He is much better, Milord. We plan to visit him within a week. I will tell him of your inquiry. He will be pleased."

"I must congratulate you, Rad. You have found a most beautiful bride. Did you have a small country wedding? I'm sure I would have heard the rumors if you had celebrated in town."

"I would have invited you, but we chose to keep the strain off of her father's health by keeping the marriage limited to only the family."

He nodded his head eagerly. "I understand. Such large events are taxing. It was most considerate. My daughter will be having her coming out next year, and I frankly dread the activity. I assume you met through your father's acquaintance?"

Radley nodded. "I have known her brother, Lord Kendal, since we were in knickers. But I never had the opportunity to meet Charlotte until this year."

"Viscountess, it has been a pleasure meeting you. Perhaps you will add my name to your dance card."

She smiled, saying, "I would be pleased to, Lord Dansbury."

Radley heard a waltz begin to play and escorted Charlotte towards the dance floor. He swept her into his arms and began to dance.

"I must admit that you have my admiration for spinning a tale so quickly. Do you not worry about being called on it?"

"With only the family aware of the truth, who would dare?" He brought her into a twirl pulling her closer. "Nevertheless, it is no one's business. You are my wife and that's the news. I could have said we met at your brother's wedding. He seldom associates with the elite. But since he knew your father, this spin kept it acceptable. I will mention what was said to Dansbury in case they meet up again."

"That is unlikely. Travel is too hard on my father."

When the music ended, he escorted her to a group of couples and introduced her as his Visountess. He knew that this evening would make up for her shock upon meeting his friends when they drove through the park. This is what she had desired. A smile stayed in place as she spoke to them. Once they were in their house, they could have a party where she could meet others.

They stayed until she began yawning, in which he took her home to his father's house. In the morning, they would travel to his estate for a few days and then meet with the others at Kensingdale. He knew that once they celebrated their marriage with her father's approval, she would be content. However, his thoughts lay upon meeting his father.


Their trip to the north had been the best trip he had experienced. His bride beat him soundly at cards, and they used the book to use as bets. Before they arrived, he was helping her dress, brushed her hair, and that too had been enjoyable. The more things they shared, the closer they became until they had also built a friendship.

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