Part 27:

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[Gemma's POV]

It was November, Peter had recovered from the incident after a day or so and I had finally gotten to grips with my powers. It had been 2 weeks since the last time I had lost control. The more I used them, the more I understood them. I began using them for everyday purposes, chilling a drink, lighting the fire, anything really, which meant that by the time my first mission rolled around I was ready. Well mostly at least.

I was in the lab working on a mask, my eyes got sore from looking at the glares from the ice and fire, so I needed some eye protection for a start, but also to protect my identity, so I was experimenting with Dad's nano-tech. 'Miss Dalton Stark, Mr Stark is calling an Avengers meeting in the briefing room.' F.R.I.D.A.Y. Said over the intercom.

My first real assignment, I was pretty nervous. I made my way up to the briefing room to see Peter running up the stairs. 'Hey!' he shouted, I shot him a smile,
'Hey!' I replied, he put his hands on my waist and kissed me intensely, I put my hands around his neck and was left a bit speechless, which seemed to make Peter very pleased. 'What was that for?' I asked, still composing myself,
'Your first mission! And I missed you.' He said enthusiastically,
'I missed you too,' I said taking my hands away from his neck to his hands, 'Well we better get moving, don't want to be late for my first mission.'

We got to the briefing room to find Steve, Nat, Wanda and Clint, all sat around the round table with dad standing up at the monitor. Peter and I sat down next to one another and waited for dad to get started. 'First things first,' Steve said, standing up, 'Gemma, welcome to your first official meeting.' Everyone clapped and I blushed a little bit, I didn't like being the centre of attention, It was like when it was your birthday and people sang Happy Birthday, it's just awkward.

'Thank you, but can we get on with it?' I tried to change the subject,
'Agreed,' Dad said clicking his remote at the monitor, 'Peter, Gemma, a couple months ago Nat, Steve, Happy and I went to LA, Gem, you'll probably remember...' He began, I did remember, 'Anyways, we went because this is where we believe to be the base of an Anti-Superhero extremest group called OCTAGON,' A logo flashed on the screen of an octagon with a smaller octagon inside, at a different angle, 'Gemma, we think...' He sat down, 'We think this is the group that killed your mother...' All of the avengers looked at me with sad eyes, I didn't know what to think really. It was a sea of mixed emotions, anger, sadness, revenge...

Peter looked at me with pity in his eyes, I ignored it, 'So what are we going to do about it?' I asked trying to take everyone's attention away from my dead mom, and how to get the people that did this to her. 'We think we found a base here in New York, we want to go check it out, see what intel we can gather. Peter, Steve, Wanda, Clint, Steve and I will enter the facility, Gemma and Nat you're going to stay in the jet and monitor the situation, any people trying to come in or looking suspicious- you say.'

So my first mission, and dad was benching me with Nat as my babysitter. But maybe it wasn't the worst thing in the world; if these people killed my mother because she's an alien, they might know about me, and want to kill me too. 'Everyone, Suit up.' Steve said and we all dispersed. I went down to the lab to get my suit and my mask that wasn't quite finished, but it would have to do.

I ran up to my room to get changed and started to take off my clothes and put my suit on, then I realised I left my deodorant in my bathroom so I went in to use it. When I came out, Peter was stood in only his boxers in my room. 'Gem! Sorry! I thought you'd be ready and I needed somewhere to get changed and-' He said hurriedly, but all I did was laugh.

He was so handsome, but we had a mission, couldn't get distracted. 'It's fine don't worry, could you zip me up? My suit isn't quite as snazzy as yours just yet.' I asked, turning around,
'Yeah, yeah, of course.' He replied, having to clear his throat. He put one of his hands on my waist and pulled me in closer to him,
'Peter we-'
'Hey, I just needed a better angle.' He tried to defend himself, he must have known what I was insinuating, he zipped me up and did up the clasp at the top.
'Thank you.' I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. This made him blush- he was still only in his boxers. I shut the door as I left giggling when I ran into dad,
'Gem have you seen the kid...' He started to say but must have seen me giggling, 'You know what, never mind. Jet, 5 minutes, okay?' He walked off, obviously trying not to think about what he thought had been going on in my room, not that anything did happen. I waited outside the door and a minute later Peter came out. 'Ready?' Peter asked me, holding out his hand,
'So ready.'

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