Across the river and the walls, Jeno locked eyes with Donghyuck's. The younger's stare was intense and telling the latter to move on, knowing that Jaemin could handle things by himself as he's also with the fellow swordsman.

The older tsked, following his teammates through the trees and bushes. They still had a long way to reach towards the waterfall.

Jungkook grabbed the collar of Jaemin's vest before yanking him backward along with him so he wouldn't accidentally hurt the younger.

"Thanks..." The younger shaking his head violently, getting rid of most of the water that soaked his hair. Not only was he soaked, but the weather was chilly. The cold breeze against his wet skin and clothes wasn't helping at all, sending shivers down his body. Nevertheless, he stood up next to the older, pulling out his gun and bagnet.

[ Renjun was quite concerned for the younger. The Limitless Neos and the boy's friends were aware of his weak immune system. He easily becomes ill within a short amount of time from the simplest things. Usually needed to be taken care of by his caring members and lovers.

"It'll be fine, it's not like it affects him entirely." Jungwoo touched the boy's back.

"Channie also gets sick frequently as well, it's no surprise to us," Jeonghan said.

"The only thing that's problematic with the boy is his stubbornness," Soonyoung mumbled.

"You don't say?" Jihoon rubbed the sides of his head remembering a time where Chan refused to stay behind for a mission. His left eye twitched for a couple of seconds. Even if it was just a simple fever, it could worsen if more pressure was pushed onto him even more. The instructor's solution was to knock the boy out but everyone stopped his ideas. Instead, they let the boy go as long as he didn't blackout. The boy had come back without any scratches to only wake up with an aching headache the next day. So much for just going on one mission.

"Stubbornness is something we all have," Hongjoong spoke.]

"Such a worthless weapon." The man tsked, looking at the boy's choice of weapons.

Jungkook charged at the man, swords creating a wall between them. The man was unmistakably strong, probably the strongest opponent Jungkook has ever encountered. The thought made the younger smile internally, finally meeting someone worth his time and pain. "Let's get on with it." He spoke.

Jaemin took the opportunity to get around the two firing his gun. The man kicked Jungkook to the side before deflecting the bullets. But what the man didn't notice was that the boy was gone from his sight, right behind him. Swiftly, he swiped the man's legs before aiming for his neck. The two landed in the water.

In a blink of an eye, the man's katana was making its way towards his eyes. He quickly rolled to his left, blood splattering on the concrete. The river washed the remains away as he kneeled there, huffing. A large gnash was presented on his right cheek. The blood traveling down his neck and staining the collar of his white dress shirt.

   The man near him got up, the sound of watering splashing with every movement. "That was quite slick of you, little boy." Jungkook fired his gun, having the man turn his attention to the swordsman. "One of the seven swordsmen using a gun? I've never heard of that." The man raised a brow, tone was filled with many surprises to the men around him.

"So? Don't get too comfortable around us." The younger snorted. He looked over to notice he accidentally shot Jaemin's shoulder, mentally cursing and apologizing.

   The man chuckled before pulling out blades and throwing them towards the bushes. Jungkook quickly shot them down before they could reach his husband, turning back to see the man right in front of him, slashing his shoulder. Grunting, he kicked the man back before attempting to stab him in the heart but missing and injuring the Kage Arc's shoulder as well.

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