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Charlie's Outfit

Charlie's Outfit

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August 19th, 2019

"And she was persistent with it as well, I stood there like 'uhm, hello, he has a girlfriend." Liv gossips as Charlie and Emily laugh.

"I take it Elizabeth is finally letting you have people over when they're gone again." Emily asks as Charlie looks over at her.

"I practically had to beg her, she was adamant that I'd have Max round again." Charlie laughs as she tucks her hair behind her ears.

The three girls decided today would be the day they'd have their usual girls sleepover in hopes they could catch up. Emily had known both girls for years, and had been close with them for sometime now, but they didn't always agree with one another. Emily's earliest memory of them was when the three of them sat together in Maths in Year 7 and caused absolute chaos the entire time.

"I bet she still thinks Max is gonna be here." Liv admits as Charlie shrugs.

"Oh well, all three of us know they're not here." Charlie responds before Liv and Emily look at one another.

"We could always ditch-" Emily jokes, Charlie rolling her eyes in response.

"I'm not ditching you for my boyfriend, you're both staying." Charlie laughs, the girls joining in with her.

The three of them lounged around for an hour or so, both Charlie and Emily absolutely boiling in their outfits whereas Liv was the correct temperature considering she was in short jogger bottoms and a flowy shirt.

"Right, it's too warm." Charlie huffs as she sits up, taking her jumper off which left her in a black crop top.

"I agree." Emily sighs as Charlie turns off the TV.

"Let's go sit outside." Charlie suggests as the two girls follow her into the garden. The three of them all sit down at the table, deciding to sunbathe with music whilst Parker runs around them like crazy. They spent a good two hours outside in the sun before Charlie started to get hungry, suggesting they make something to eat.

"Oooo, we should make fruit salad." Liv exclaims as Emily agrees.

"It's a good job we have loads then isn't it." Charlie smiles, the three of them going back into the kitchen. She gets all of the fruit they have in the fridge and lays it out on the counter, the trio choosing what fruit they wanted in their bowl before she put it all away. They returned to their seats outside and ate in comfortable silence, the music still going quietly in the background. Once they'd finished, Charlie cleaned up the dishes as Liv and Emily talked about things they could do tonight.

"Charlie, we should sleep outside!" Emily gleams, Charlie walking outside drying her hands on her pants.

"I actually second that, it's way too hot to sleep inside." Liv intervenes as Charlie laughs.

"Okay, let me go grab some stuff and we can sleep on the trampoline." Charlie grins before going back inside. She rummages around upstairs, throwing pillows and blankets out of the window for Emily and Liv to catch. The two girls downstairs set up the blankets and pillows on the trampoline, Parker joining them just to see what was going on before disappearing inside again.

"Wait, we should go to Tesco and get some sweets." Liv suggests as Charlie laughs.

"Great minds think alike." Charlie responds before the three girls go inside. They all get some shoes on and leave, going straight to Tesco to get some sweets for the night ahead of them. The sun was beginning to set, but the heat was definitely not and it made the three girls even more frustrated.

"Hey, look who's here." Harvey grins as he notices the three girls standing in the aisle. Max makes his move over, wrapping his arms around Charlie tightly and lifting her off the ground which caused both Liv and Emily to look over at her.

"Right, Max Luca Mills I'm gonna kill you." Charlie whines as he puts her back on the floor.

"Hm, hey gorgeous." Max smiles as she turns to look at him.

"Hey love." She grins, the boy leaning forward to kiss her softly.

"Charlie c'mon, we wanna go." Liv whines as Charlie looks at her, the girl engulfed in a hug by Tom who seemed to not want to let go.

"What are you guys up to?" Harvey asks as Emily rolls her eyes, the girl being the only single one.

"We're having a girls sleepover at Charlie's, now let go of them both so we can go." Emily warns as Tom lets go of Liv. Emily death glares Max, the boy's eyes widening in fear as he lets go of Charlie. She pecks his lips before the three of them leave the group of boys, going back to Charlie's house to continue their night of fun.

"Charlie, your phone keeps glitching." Liv calls as she walks outside.

"Here, change the song." Charlie throws her phone over to them both. Liv unlocks her phone and goes onto Charlie's Spotify, clicking the playlist button on the bottom bar before her eyes land upon a playlist named 'smirk emoji'. Both girls eyes' nearly pop out of their heads as she walks into the garden holding three drinks.

"What?" She asks slowly, realising the two girls are looking at her with amusement.

"Smirk Emoji?" Liv laughs as Charlie's cheeks heat up.

"For the record, Max made that." Charlie responds as the two girls laugh.

"Who knew you were-" Liv goes to tease her but Emily stops her, shaking her head.


Happy Valentines Day!!
AKA happy Charlie day!!
i hope you guys are okay, this is my Valentine's Gift to you <3
hope you're all okay <3
shelby x

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