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February 20th, 2020

"And we're live." Harvey smiles as the Instagram notification gets sent out to everyone.

Charlie was at college today which meant she was unable to join during her lesson, something Liv had done previously and gotten into trouble for it. Tia was sat on the other side of the classroom with her earphones in, listening along to the live whilst she completed some of her coursework on the computers.

"We do miss tour already, you guys are the best." Harvey grins as Max sits down beside his twin.

"Hello, I am here, I was just doing something." Max grins as he looks at Charlie's text on his phone.

I think the girl sat in front of me and Liv is watching the live whilst she's working XD

Tell her off, she's meant to be doing work!

Bugger off she hates me, i'm convinced she'splotting against me and Liv

What would you do if I told everyone about us?

There's nothing I can do to stop you Mills :)

max💗I love you <3

I love you too, now go back to your fans!
I'll be here when you're finished :) x

Max smiles as he puts his phone in his pocket, him and Harvey answering questions that were coming their way. Max was waiting for someone, if not anyone to mention Charlie, the boy finally ready to announce his relationship to the public without fears she's going to get bullied. Millsie's had taken Charlie into the fandom like she was one of their own, the fans always editing videos about her or tagging her in sweet posts which she always replied too. Max sighed in relief as he spotted a comment about him and Charlie, the boy clearing his throat before speaking.

"That's a good question, what is happening between you and Charlie?" Harvey asks, not expecting his brother to answer honestly.

"Well if you genuinely do want to know, Charlie and I are together." Max announces, both Harvey and Dobby looking at him in shock.

"Yes, the cat is out of the bag, Marlie is real." Max laughs, reading some of the comments that were going absolutely mental.

"How long have we been together? It's just over a year." Max continues.

"Okay where did the sudden confidence come from?" Harvey laughs as Max looks at him.

"Charlie said there's a girl sat in front of her called Tia who's watching us right now, hello Tia, get your Fashion work done." Max warns, looking at the message from Charlie. Meanwhile, Charlie and Liv sat in Fashion sharing airpods whilst they watched the live, the girls genuinely intrigued to see what people were saying. Tia was looking at Charlie with a death glare before Charlie realised her cousin was on the live and was definitely going to ask her about it.

"Charlie's here as well." Dobby informs the twins, both laughing as Liv presses the request button. Harvey leans forward and answers it just as the two girls get out of Fashion and Textiles, making their way to an empty table.

"And she connected." Harvey cheers as Liv props Charlie's phone up against her bag.

"Hello." Liv waves as Charlie sits beside her.

"You can't just run off with my phone." Charlie laughs, sitting down beside her.

"Welcome to the Max and Harvey live." Liv informs her as she looks at her phone.

"Hello, apologies if it's loud we're sitting outside and there's a flurry of students coming through." Charlie grins, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"How's your day going?" Harvey questions.

"Boring." Liv laughs as Charlie looks at Lewis who passes by them, the boy smiling at Charlie softly.

"Boys are weird, you know." Charlie turns to Liv.

"Why now?" Liv asks as Max and Harvey answer a few more questions.

"Lewis hated me last week for absolutely no reason, now we're back at college and he's being nice again." Charlie furrows her eyebrows.

"Maybe he fancies you and he knows Max is your boyfriend." Liv shrugs as her phone disconnects from the live. The two sit outside and eat their dinner together, Charlie scrolling through her huge range of photos before settling on a photo of them from her birthday to post on her Instagram. She captions it with a blue heart and uploads it to Instagram after tagging Max, the boy smiling when he sees it on his screen.

"I have to deal with Tasha now." Charlie rolls her eyes, groaning in unison with Liv.

"Enjoy." Liv laughs at her pain, the two girls making their way to their next lesson.

When Charlie and Liv had finished with lessons and had gotten on the train, Charlie checked her Instagram to see a shit tonne of likes, comments and shares on people's stories. Max had commented the same emoji she did, the girl pinning it to her comments section before liking a few of the edits people had made of them both.

"People love Marlie already, I'm genuinely so happy you don't have to hide it now 'cause it means we can tell Lewis to piss off." Liv laughs.

"I'm glad too, I think it was getting a little tiring having to hide it." Charlie admits, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"He's genuinely so appreciative of you." Liv smiles, looking at her best friend.

"I can't believe it's been over a year already, what on earth." Charlie shakes her head in shock.

"It's nearly a year and 6 months for me and Tom." Liv bites her lip to hide her smile.

"Next month isn't it?" The brunette girl asks, watching her newly bleached blonde friend nod softly.

"Yes, and we're supposed to be going to London, so let's hope we can." Liv crosses her fingers as Charlie smiles.

"I'm sure you will." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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