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Charlie's Outfit

Charlie's Outfit

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August 22nd, 2019

"One second!" Charlie shouts through the hallway as she rushes around the downstairs of her house trying to find her phone. She finds her black Supreme hat in the process, putting it on backwards before finding her phone hidden underneath it. She sighs in relief as she grabs it, walking out of the house to see Emily standing there with an amused smile.

"I lost my phone, sorry I took so long." Charlie huffs as the two of them begin walking to the train station. Charlie slips her phone into her bag along with her keys, the two girls talking about their GCSE results they received this morning. Charlie showed up to her old school in leggings and one of Max's hoodie's, one which he didn't know she'd stolen until he saw her sporting it from afar. Liv had taken a turn this morning and managed to get herself ill, so she was stuck at home whilst everyone else went to London to celebrate.

"Guess what." Emily beams as they walk into the train station.

"Hm?" Charlie looks over at Emily who was grinning childishly.

"You and Max are wearing the same hat." She responds before the boys make their way over.

"Hey gorgeous." Max smiles, hugging her from behind.

"Right, let's set some rules. No PDA." Tom warns as Charlie looks at him.

"They wouldn't be doing it anyway, they're still incognito to the Millsies." Harvey informs the tallest member of the group as he nods in realisation. He presses a kiss to the side of her neck before their train arrives, the 6 taking their seats which meant Charlie was sat with Emily and not Max.

During the journey, Charlie grew tired and had managed to fall asleep with her head resting on the window. Harvey giggled, getting his phone out and recording the girl, tagging her instagram on the story before uploading it to his Instagram Story. Despite Charlie and Max not wanting to be open to the public about their relationship, the Millsie fandom knew that Charlie was a good friend of theirs and a lot of them had followed her even if she didn't post often.

When they reached their stop, Emily gently shook Charlie awake and the sleeping girl had been disturbed. She tiredly got off the train, nearly tripping over because of how much she'd stepped without realising. Max smiles at her in amusement, the boy helping her steady herself before they all left the train station.

"How'd your GCSEs go Charlie?" Dobby asks as Charlie rubs her tired eyes.

"Good actually, not fantastic but I managed to get an 8 in Textiles so I'm happy with it." Charlie shrugs as she walks beside Max, both of them sporting their matching Supreme Hats accidentally.

"I feel sick." Charlie huffs as they enter the nearest Nandos. Once they're seated and ready to order, Max and Tom are the ones to get up and go order for everyone after a very intense game of rock, paper, scissors.

"Did you wear your hats on purpose?" Dobby questions as Charlie looks at him,

"I wore mine 'cause I wanted too, Max just wears his all the time." Charlie shrugs, watching the youngest group member nod softly. She and Emily go into a deep conversation about a few random things, the two boys return to the table minutes later with sighs of relief.

"Have you checked Instagram recently, Charles?" Harvey asks the girl.

"Why?" Charlie asks with worry, the girl opening the app on her phone to see their Instagram Story highlighted. She laughs as she watches it, shaking her head at Harvey before reposting it onto her story with the caption 'definitely a pretty sleeper'.

"I look like a dying horse." Charlie admits, causing the entire table to laugh.

After their free Nandos, due to the fact they received their GCSEs today, the gang went into Westfields to do a bit of shopping for college. The group had split into pairs once more, Tom and Emily, Harvey and Dobby and Charlie and Max.

"We look like idiots." Charlie admits as she takes her hat off.

"Uh, put it back on." Max scolds her as she looks at him.

"Why?" She laughs, the boy taking it from her hands and puts it back onto her head.

"We don't look like idiots, thank you very much." Max pouts as she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Let me rephrase that, I look like an idiot." Charlie admits as Max furrows his eyebrows at her.

"No you don't, stop being so negative." Max responds.

"Well stop being so good looking so I don't look like the outcast." She pushes him, his laughing radiating through her body, making her feel warm inside.

The two of them walked around Westfield's picking a few things up that they needed before meeting up with the rest of the group so they could go home. Neither of them had noticed that Millsie's had been walking around London trying to find them today, and neither had realised that videos of them walking around together were soon to be circulating through Millsie's Instagram.

"Yay, hometime which means sleep." Charlie cheers.

"I swear all you do is sleep." Max laughs softly, wrapping his arms around her middle as they stood in the train station waiting for their train to arrive. Two girls had seen this and instantly filmed it, the rest of the group eventually arriving at the train station with literally seconds to spare.

"How's your day been guys?" Harvey questions as Max sits beside Charlie on the train.

"Great actually." Max smiles as Dobby and Tom scroll through Instagram.

"Guys, you do know people have been following you all day right?" Dobby questions, handing Max his phone.

"Oh shit." Max bites his lip as he looks at Charlie who was already half asleep with her head on the wall of the train. Deciding not to disturb her, he hands Dobby his phone back before moving her so her head was resting on his shoulder.


i just miss bigarmharv's comments on these chapters :(
brb gonna go cry xx

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