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Charlie's Outfit

Charlie's Outfit

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August 13th, 2019

"Bye." Charlie calls to her family before leaving her house. She makes her way into town alone, her earphones blasting Arctic Monkeys whilst she walks to the restaurant she and Max were eating at tonight. He decided it was time to take her out on a 'real date', no matter how much she objected to it.

She already expected Max to be there, knowing he was usually early or dead on time when it came to events such as these. When she got to the place, she was pleasantly surprised to see Max absolutely nowhere, which now she thinks about it is weird considering he was ALWAYS early.

After around 10 minutes of waiting, she sat down on the brick wall just as the sky went grey. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, getting her phone out to go to text him but realising he might be busy so she just left it. Her call to Liv went straight to voicemail, and she knew no one else would pick up, so she just sat and waited.

She got more and more upset as time went by, the rain starting to pick up as she sat on the brick wall with absolutely no intention of moving. Surely he's not forgotten? It's Max for heaven's sake, he'd never forget anything like this. Some might say it's stupid that she's still sat there, but she didn't want to accept the fact that Max had forgotten about their date and was probably at home playing FIFA with Harvey. Her phone had died by the time she decided to go home, not being able to call her parents meant she was having to walk home in the pouring down rain.

Charlie doesn't think she'd ever walked as slow, the girl hoping that he'd walk by her as she was walking home but as she reached her front door, she'd completely given up. Water was dripping on the floor as she shut her front door behind her, both of her parents emerging into the hallway to see the girl standing there.

"Charlie what happened?" Elizabeth asks, finally setting off the tears. The material of her bag made a sound as it hit the wooden floor, Charlie walking over to her Mum in tears to hug her. Elizabeth wasn't bothered that she was wet, she just couldn't understand why her daughter was upset and she wanted to know.

"Jace, go run her a bath." Elizabeth whispers to her husband, the man nodding as he disappears upstairs. Charlie continued to cry for another 5 minutes until she felt numb, the cold of the rain finally getting to her.

"He forgot." Charlie blubbers.

"That boy is an idiot, why didn't you call me?" Liz ponders, tucking her daughters hair behind her ears.

"My phone died." She sighs, looking at her feet.

"Go upstairs, get in the bath." Liz suggests, Charlie not bothering to argue. She went to her room first, taking off her soaking wet clothes and leaving them in a pile on the floor as she wrapped herself in her fluffy dressing gown. She spends around an hour wallowing in the heat of her bath that soon turned cold. Once she was in her pyjamas, she threw her dressing gown at her desk and got straight into bed, placing her uncharged phone on the bedside table before turning over to go to sleep.

The next morning, Max awoke with a smile on his face, something he shouldn't be doing if he knew how last night had turned out for Charlie. He showered, dressed, brushed his teeth and put his Supreme hat on before going downstairs, the boy eager to start his day.

"Someone's in a good mood." Harvey laughs as Max looks at him,

"Just feel very energetic." Max responds as he sits down beside him.

"I'm guessing your date went well then." Harvey asks, looking at his twin who looked confused.

"Date?" Max furrows his eyebrows, trying his hardest to remember something about a date.

"Uhm, you did go on your date with Charlie last night, right?" Harvey asks as Max furrows his eyebrows once more.

"We were going on a date?" Max questions as Harvey slaps his brother's arm.

"You idiot, you and Charlie made those plans weeks ago." Harvey huffs as Max finally realises what he's talking about.

"Oh god." He goes wide-eyed before getting up from his seat, dashing to the front door. He slides his shoes on and grabs a jacket, walking out of the house and straight to Charlie's only 3 doors away. He walks straight in, just like he usually does, being met Parker who just tilted his head at him cutely. He pets the large dog before making his way around the downstairs trying to find Charlie, the girl nowhere to be found. Max then decides to make his way upstairs quietly, reaching her door which was slightly ajar.

Upon walking in, he notices her sleeping figure instantly and feels guilt rush over him like a wave. He looks over at her desk, noticing the soaking wet bag before his eyes land on her clothes from the night previously. He picks them up, the material damp in his hands, shaking his head at himself in annoyance before going to put them in her washing basket. He takes his shoes and hat off, the boy getting into bed behind her with guilt still rising inside of him.

"I'm so so sorry." Max whispers, noticing she was only half-asleep.

"It's fine." She responds quietly, Max shaking his head before pulling her into his grip.

"I'm an awful person, I'm so so so sorry." He apologises over and over, the girl falling straight back to sleep in his warmth. He pressed a soft kiss to the back of her shoulder before nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck, falling back to sleep himself which meant both of them were asleep for the majority of the day.

"I love you." Charlie whispers, making Max smile.

"I love you too."


hey chickens,
hope you're all doing okay :)
thank you for the continued support on this book, it means heaps to me <3
sidenote; max mills can rail me xx
okay bye :) 

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