847 14 4

October 27th, 2018

"Charlie, someone's at the door for you!" Joey yells from downstairs as Charlie huffs, the girl brushing her hair as she walks downstairs to see who was there for her.

"Oh, hey." Charlie smiles as Max stands in front of her.

"I need help." Max sighs as she finishes going through her hair, putting her brush on the table beside the door.

"What can I do?" Charlie asks as he chews his lip momentarily.

"I haven't got a costume for the Halloween party next weekend and I need help finding one." Max responds as she shakes her head.

"We all told you to get this done earlier." She laughs as her brother comes to stand behind her.

"New boyfriend Lee?" Joey asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You make it out like I've been out with multiple people, Joe. And no, he isn't." Charlie responds as she looks at her brother briefly.

"Who is it then?" He moves to stand closer to her.

"Max this is my older brother Joey, Joey this is Harvey's twin brother, Max." Charlie introduces them as Joey smiles.

"My man likes Rip n Dip." Joey grins as they do a fist-bump.

"Okay, please go back to doing your college work." She pushes her brother into the living room before looking at Max.

"Let me find my shoes and I'll help you." Charlie smiles at the twin as she goes to the cupboard under the stairs for her shoes.

"Mum! Parker's eating your breakfast!" Joey shouts as Charlie walks outside, shutting the front door behind her.

"Let's go before you realise my family is mad." Charlie laughs as the two of them begin walking into town.

"Why didn't Harv go with you?" She asks him, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Oh, he wasn't awake." Max lies to her, the girl nodding softly.

"I've had my outfit sorted for ages, Liv and I are going as Daphne and Velma from Scooby-Doo." She laughs, her hands hidden in her sleeves as Max looks at her.

"That's cute." Max smiles softly.

"Thank you."

"Anyway, what are you thinking for your costume?" She asks, the boy shrugging his shoulders.

"Great way to start I guess. What about... oh god this is hard." Charlie thinks as they reach the town centre.

The two of them dispute Max's costume for a while, both eventually giving up after he admits he didn't want to go and only asked for Charlie's help to see if it would change his mind. She thought long and hard about the party, eventually deciding she didn't want to go either because she knew Liv would just ditch her for Tom all night. They end up sitting on the climbing frame on the park in the freezing cold just talking to one another, Charlie having strong urges to take Max's hat off of his head.

"What are you thinking about?" Max asks as she leans over, taking the hat off of his head. She slips it onto her head backwards, the boy sorting his hat hair out as she sorts out her own so she doesn't look weird.

"This is strangely warm." She laughs as she readjusts it.

"Suits you." Max smiles as she rolls her eyes.

"My hair isn't cooperating with me today, like at all." Charlie sighs as she takes the hat from her head and puts it back onto Max's.

"You still look pretty." Max compliments, the two of them blushing profusely.

"At least we have Bonfire Night." Charlie changes the subject, watching him nod.

"Liv's birthday too right?" He asks, watching Charlie nod this time.

"Yeah, if she doesn't like her presents I'll be so upset." Charlie laughs nervously as she crosses her legs.

"When's your birthday?" Max asks, tilting his head a little.

"Oh, February 15th." She lies as he nods. She always lied about her birthday to other people that weren't her family or Liv, purely because she hated her birthday being on Valentines Day and would rather celebrate it the day after.

"Just after Valentines Day, aren't you lucky." Max says as she laughs.

"Yeah I guess so." She responds as she feels rain drip onto her nose.

"We should probably head back before we get caught in a storm." Charlie admits, the two of them moving from the climbing frame and racing one another home. Both were soaked by the end of it, Charlie making sure Max went inside before he did himself.

"Oh my." Jace says as she laughs.

"I'm going having a bath!" She shouts before running upstairs, going straight to the bathroom to have a nice warm bath.

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