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February 18th, 2020

"I think Charlie and I are besties now." Jenna admits as she stands beside Max.

"You'll have to take that up with Liv." Max responds with a small laugh.

"Seriously though, she's great. She's just a big ball of energy, which is always great to have when you need a pick me up." Jenna continues with a smile.

"She's great isn't she?" Max smiles, moving his hair about to try and make it look nice.

"Harvey no!" The two hear Charlie scream in laughter, both of them walking out of the bathroom to see her laughing at something stupid Harvey was doing.

"You're gonna kill Charlie." Dobby laughs, himself and Dylan joining in with the laughter. They all thought Charlie's laugh was contagious, the girl having the cutest yet funniest laugh known to mankind.

"What happened?" Max asks, the boy not finding anything they were doing particularly amusing. Charlie was laughing too hard to answer, Harvey smiling because of how hard he'd made the girl laugh for the first time in what felt like forever.

"This reminds me of when I made you cry laugh in History." Harvey informs, Charlie finally coming down from her laughing high.

"She truly hated us in that lesson sometimes, I'm telling you." Charlie responds, catching her breath.

"What were you laughing at?" Max asks once more.

"Something stupid he was doing." Charlie responds, moving her hair behind her shoulder.

"What were you doing?" Jenna asks after laughing to herself a little at how annoyed Max looked. Harvey begins to explain it, Jenna ending up laughing loudly too which causes Charlie to start laughing once more. Max walks back into the bathroom in a huff, sorting his hair out in the mirror as the sounds of laughter echo throughout the room. Charlie had stopped laughing when she noticed Max disappear, the girl going to the bathroom to see what was up with him.

"What's up with you Grumpy?" Charlie asks, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Nothing." Max responds coldly.

"Yeah yeah, I'm not stupid Mills." Charlie jumps onto the counter in front of him.

"It's nothing." Max responds, watching her read him like a book.

"Hm, is it because I was laughing at Harvey?" Charlie questions, raising an eyebrow.

"No." Max scoffs, clearly lying.

"You're the biggest baby ever, I swear." Charlie laughs softly, grabbing both of his hands and pulling him between her legs.

"You've never laughed like that at something I've done." Max pouts, looking at her with sadness which she found absolutely adorable.

"My birthday night doesn't exist? I almost choked to death after laughing at what you said." Charlie reassures him.

"It's-" Max goes to speak, the girl pecking his lips to stop him from speaking.

"You've got no reason to be jealous, not one at all." Charlie informs him.

"If I hear you say but I'm leaving and going home." Charlie warns before going back to the hotel bedroom. Max smiles to himself as he puts his hat on his head, the boy prepared for the show in Manchester tonight. People had figured out Charlie was on tour with them, none of them thinking too much of it even after the incident, they just figured they were friends due to no explanation being given. Of course there were still Millsie's who were suspicious or anxious to see if #Marlie was true, but their hopes were low now that it'd been two months with 0 explanation.

When they arrived at the venue, Charlie, Dobby and Dylan watched as the three singers did their soundcheck, Charlie being on her phone for some of it after Liv had texted her having a breakdown over coursework. Max was more than happy to see Charlie stood in the crowd, the boy wanting nothing more than to just fall asleep holding her at this moment in time.

After soundcheck, Charlie and Nen were in the common room of the venue talking about all the things they had in common, now becoming close friends with one another. They managed to film a Tik Tok for Charlie's account and another for Nen's account, both exchanging numbers so Jenna could be added to the girls group chat which consisted of Charlie, Liv and Emily so far.

Max was glad that Charlie and Nen had become friends, the boy sighing in relief when he sees the two of them laughing at something on her phone.

"What are you girls looking at?" Max inquires, standing behind them both.

"Stupid photos she has of you from Facetime." Jenna laughs, Max watching as Charlie scrolls through the Live Photos.

"Stalker." Max teases his girlfriend, the girl slapping his side softly as he walks past her.

"Would you care to inform me how many pictures you have of me from New Years alone?" Charlie asks, Jenna now intrigued.

"No." Max blushes, walking back into the dressing room. Charlie and Jenna had come up with a plan, Jenna going into the dressing room to distract the boys whilst Charlie took his phone to see just how many photos he had of her on his phone.

"Success." Charlie grins as she walks out with his phone, Jenna smiling as she sits down. She unlocks his phone, his password being Charlie's birthday which she thought was cute considering hers was his the day they got together.

"He sure does love you huh?" Jenna grins as they scroll through the Live Photos section.

"He's got 102 of me from New Years." Charlie laughs as Max walks out of the dressing room looking for his phone. He spots it in her hand, walking over and taking it off her with a grin before realising she'd gotten into it.

"Cheeky." Max scrunches his nose up at her, the girl sticking her tongue out at him in retaliation.

"I see, if you can go through my Camera Roll, what's on yours?" Max questions, expecting her to be defensive.

"It's mostly pictures of Me and Liv, me and You, me and Harvey and a few of me and Nen." Charlie hands her phone to him, the girl being completely transparent with him.

"Wait why do I have none of these photos of us?" Max frowns, airdropping them to himself.

"I'm not sure." Charlie shrugs.

"You're obliged to send me all of these you know." Max looks at her, a notification from Lewis popping up at the top of the screen.

"Well in future I will." Charlie tucks her hair behind her ears as he smiles at her.


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